Government Promotion of “Green” Energy Has Now Become Even More Hopeless
Government intervention in the market should be the exception rather than the norm. Before government intervenes in any market there needs to be a clear justification based on whether there is a real market failure to be corrected and whether the benefits of regulation clearly exceed the costs. Promoting “green” energy ideology is not such
The Total Unreality of Substituting Wind and Solar for Fossil Fuel Electricity
One of the crucial unrealistic assumptions of the climate alarmist narrative is the belief that non-hydro renewable sources of energy can be easily substituted for fossil fuels for the generation of electricity. Proponents pretend that this substitution is simple and mainly involves political will for governments to impose the changes, and occasionally that subsidies must
How the Climate Alarmist Opposition Had a Clear Route to Victory—for All of 4 Days Last Week
This past week has probably been the most consequential one in the long history of the climate change issue. On Tuesday, February 9, the US Supreme Court granted a stay by a 5-4 decision on the EPA power plant greenhouse gas regulations while the legal issues are decided on their merits. This augured well for
Clinton Proposes to End Use of Fossil Fuels, All for No Purpose
Last week I pointed out how useless it is for the US to require reductions in US CO2 emissions, which if effective will not make any measurable change in atmospheric CO2 levels and have not resulted and will not result in any significant changes in emissions control by rapidly growing developing countries according to the
EPA Power Plant Regulations Suffer Major Setback
Late today the US Supreme Court issued an unusual stay on EPA’s legally highly dubious so-called “Clean Power Plan” pending judicial review of the Plan. This is a major victory for opponents of the Plan since it prevents EPA from enforcing its power plant greenhouse gas emission regulations during the lengthy judicial review of the
Why US CO2 Reductions Are Useless without Major Contributions from Rapidly Developing Countries
Let’s assume for the sake of discussion that humans do have a substantial adverse effect on climate. For the reasons explained in my book, Environmentalism Gone Mad, it is unlikely that humans have a significant effect on anything other than the urban heat island effect near large urban areas. I have also argued that humans
Jonas Raises Major Questions Concerning Climate Alarmist Narrative
While digging out from the 30 or so inches of snow that mega snow storm Jonas left behind on the US East Coast last weekend, I could not help but think of how the storm suggests a number of the problems with the Climate-Industrial Complex (CIC) narrative. The CIC is the name I have given
What Happens When Government Plays Market Maker
Increased energy use to assist humans in carrying out their daily tasks is perhaps the most distinguishing characteristic of developed countries. Energy is used in various forms, but one of the most useful is electrical energy, which keeps finding additional productive uses. When governments attempt to directly interfere with the markets for critically important economic
Modern Civilization Has a Bright Future After All
Thomas Malthus has had an enduring influence on Western thinking even though the human condition has changed greatly since his time. Many environmentalists, for example, believe that modern civilization cannot survive unless we abandon fossil fuels, which have made possible the huge improvements in standards of living since the Industrial Revolution. Malthus and these environmentalists
The Dramatic Transformation of the Oil and Natural Gas Markets and Its Significance for the Climate Debate
As explained in some detail in my book, Environmentalism Gone Mad, from an economic viewpoint there is no fixed limit on the quantity of natural resources on Earth which will sooner or later inevitably result in scarcity and higher prices as human use continues. Rather, there is a range of resources of varying quality and
Although Absurd, the Proposed Paris Treaty Is Still Very Dangerous
The proposed Paris non-treaty treaty, even though it objectively does little to advance the stated objectives of the climate alarmist cause, is nevertheless dangerous because it is contributing to that cause. The very weak logical connection to achieving the movement’s stated goal–reduced human CO2 emissions–does not make it benign since the movement as a whole
The Absurd Unconditional, Unilateral US Commitment to Reduce Human CO2 Emissions
The climate alarmists maintain that emissions of carbon dioxide from human sources have increased global temperatures/climate change/extreme weather and if continued will do so catastrophically. They insist that this can be avoided only by huge decreases in human CO2 emissions even though there are many large natural sources which are only partly understood. No one
Republican Congressional Leadership Proposing Sell Out on Climate Tax Extenders and 2016 Funding
The Republican Congressional leadership has agreed to multi-year proposed tax extenders for wind and solar development and to 2016 Federal appropriations without including most of the climate policy riders that Republicans approved earlier in the year. These riders were included in the individual agency appropriation bills restricting Executive Branch expenditures for climate regulation implementation. The
Toothless, Non-binding UN Agreement Reached in Paris
Today the UN COP 21 in Paris reached agreement on a new international climate agreement after many years of meetings and oceans of propaganda. Although the agreement includes a number of aspirational statements, it is essentially toothless and non-binding. It is actually weaker than the Kyoto Protocol that it is intended to replace. The result
The Next Week May Be a Significant One in the Climate Wars
Two events currently appear likely to change the endless climate saga over the next week. The well known one is the UN COP 21 meeting now ongoing in Paris. It is difficult to see how all the problems preventing a meaningful agreement since COP 15 in Copenhagen will somehow be resolved in the next few
The Misplaced Priorities of the Obama Administration
In the last few days, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been criticizing President Obama for being “worried about global warming” while terrorists “want to blow up our country.” In one such appearance he went on to say, referring to President Obama: “He’s over there talking about global warming. Global warming’s our biggest problem. They
What Happens When Environmentalists Ignore Both Science and Economics
In recent years many environmental organizations have united in support of an effort to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere with the objective of reducing atmospheric CO2 levels. Their efforts have primarily been directed towards reducing CO2 emitted by electric power generating plants burning fossil fuels. The effort has made much more “progress” in some
Two Major Issues at Paris COP21 that Are Not Likely to Be Resolved
The UN COP 21 meeting opens in Paris in about ten days. Very little “progress” towards a new worldwide agreement on carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reductions appears to have been made at numerous preparatory meetings for it. Two issues are likely to be particularly troublesome. One is whether an agreement should be legally binding. The
The Gross Misjudgments of Our Current Leaders on Climate and National Security
Both President Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry have displayed an amazing lack of judgment by repeatedly saying or at least strongly implying that a non-problem that government can do little or nothing about in the way proposed (“climate change”) is more important than the most urgent national security threats the US and
How the Environmentalists Won and the Environment Lost
Last week President Obama turned down the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline from Western Canada into the US. He was required to determine whether it was in the national interest; he claimed that it was not on the basis that it would have undermined US “global leadership” to “fight” climate change. He had taken
A New Perspective on the Climate Wars
Matt Ridley has just published an interesting perspective on the climate wars from a lukewarmer’s viewpoint. It is short and concise. Ridley does not mention, however, that the scientific evidence is increasingly going against even the lukewarmers. I do agree with Ridley’s concerns about the damage to science as a result of the climate wars,
The Electricity Supply Disaster We Now Face
Obama’s so-called “Clean Power Plan” (which I refer to as the Skyrocketing Rates Power Plan or SRPP) will dramatically raise electricity prices for most Americans and make electricity much more unreliable than it has been for the last hundred years. It will also impose centralized control of the system in a Washington bureaucracy (EPA) that
Why Watchful Waiting Is the Best Response to Climate Alarmism
Developed countries have taken two basic approaches to the fears raised by climate alarmism. One is to attempt to negotiate a worldwide agreement under which all countries would make similar reductions in CO2 emissions. Another approach is to attempt to “set an example” by unilaterally reducing their own emissions and hoping that other countries will
The Dramatic Shift in Democratic Party Climate Policy since 1997
Based partly on their statements at the October 13 Democratic presidential candidate debate, four of the current five Democratic candidates for President are now proposing a dramatic change in Democratic Party climate policy compared to 1997. They now favor unilateral reductions in US CO2 emissions and building many more non-hydro “renewable” energy sources in the
Obama’s/EPA’s Sleazy Tactics to Promote Their Skyrocketing Rates Power Plan
On August 3, 2015 President Obama and EPA announced their final “Clean Power Plan” regulations, which I call the Skyrocketng Rates Power Plan (SRPP). In addition to all the other problems with the SRPP previously discussed on this blog and in my new book, Environmentalism Gone Mad (available from the book website), the Obama Administration
The Uncertain Republican Congressional Trumpet
Climate policy has sometimes played more of a role in politics than often realized. The most obvious example is Australia, where a series of governments have fallen in recent years based primarily on their climate policies. Although these effects have been much less dramatic in the US, climate policy has had more effects than often
The Major Unsolved Climate Alarmist Political Problem
Climate alarmism is a fantasy, nothing more. As discussed in my new book, Environmentalism Gone Mad, available from the book website, there is simply no scientific or economic justification for remaking the world’s energy generation and delivery systems to reduce CO2 emissions. Everyone, particularly the world’s poor, will end up paying large bills and receiving
The Disconnect between Pope Francis’ Climate Views and His Concern for the Poor
Pope Francis will visit the US next week, so it may be timely to examine his recent pronouncements on climate. Throughout his Encyclical “On the Care of Our Common Home,” Pope Francis stressed how important it is to avoid harming the world’s poor and to facilitate their rise out of poverty. Yet his support for
The Fantasy World of UN Climate Negotiations
Fantasy pervades many aspects of climate alarmism. One of its core beliefs is that if the UN holds enough meetings agreement will be reached on a set of CO2 emission reductions that all parties can agree on (as required in many aspects of the UN world) that will actually significantly reduce world CO2 emissions. An
Skyrocketing Electric Rates Version 2.0: The Major Problem
This week President Obama attended the Global Leadership in the Arctic: Cooperation, Innovation, Engagement and Resilience or GLACIER Conference in Anchorage. Afterwards he toured Alaska to highlight what he views as the dangerous effects of “climate change,” although Alaska temperatures have changed little in the last century. The most important thing that happened at the
Climate Alarmists’ Chutzpah
The climate alarmists, whom I call the Climate-Industrial Complex or CIC in my new book, Environmentalism Gone Mad (available from the book website), have built their own fantasy world, and have many of the characteristics of a cult. In addition, they have repeatedly shown considerable chutzpah. Here are a few particularly egregious examples: o If
Should We Trust the EPA to Manage Our Electricity Generation and Use?
On August 5 the EPA itself triggered the release of 3 million gallons of toxic mining waste water near Silverton, Colorado. This flood contaminated a tributary of the Colorado River and moved toxic material through four states. Why this happened is unclear and may remain so until those involved are put under oath. So far
What Can Happen When Special Interests Capture Government Regulatory Agencies
There can be little remaining doubt that the US Environmental Protection Agency no longer represents the best interests of the American public. It rather represents the interests of a small minority of the population calling themselves environmentalists plus industry groups that would profit from implementing their ideology. It is now clear that EPA, responding to
Comments on the EPA CPP Regulation
[August 25, 2015 update: For a commentary on what Ms. McCarthy actually said see here.] On August 11, 2015, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy presented her views on “The Promise of the Clean Power Plan” in Washington, DC. I prepared a handout on behalf of the Cooler Heads Coalition. The handout was as follows: You are
New Analysis Suggests Obama’s Power Plant Regulations Will Almost Quadruple US Power Costs
Updated August 12, 2015 to add new sources On August 3, President Obama announced EPA’s final “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) regulations (summarized by the Administration here). The regulations are even more absurd than the 2014 draft regulations in part because they raise the percentage of power generation capacity from “renewables” from 22 to 28%. This
Major Presidential Candidate Endorses Global Climate Fantasy
This week Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton proposed that the US expand its use of “renewable” sources of electricity, particularly solar ones. She proposed that enough renewable power be generated to meet all household demand by 2027. She proposed doing this by implementing Obama’s “Clean Power Plan,” increasing the number of government grants for “clean
The Environmental Movement’s Capture of USEPA and What Might Be Done about It
The US Environmental Protection Agency was created at the end of 1970 in response to bipartisan popular interest in improving the environment. Unfortunately, Richard Nixon did not anticipate the subsequent shift of the environmental movement towards the extreme left and did not take the trouble (which would have required Congressional action) to build in safeguards
The Fantasy World of Climate Alarmism
The climate alarmists (whom I call the Climate-Industrial Complex in my new book, Environmentalism Gone Mad, available from the book Website) have gone to great effort to create a green energy fantasy world in hopes of convincing the world to spend trillions of dollars to decrease emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is a trace
Why Climate Alarmists Want Governments to Impose Limits to Growth Where None Exist
There has long been a difference of opinion between resource optimists and pessimists. Resource optimists believe that the primary constraints on resource availability are the ingenuity of humans in finding new and innovative ways to meet the resource requirements to meet human needs. Resource pessimists, on the other hand, believe that the availability of physical
Two Cases of Environmentalism Gone Mad
It may seem odd but it is possible to have too much of anything, even something with a “clean” image such as environmentalism. So how could anyone be opposed to more environmentalism? The answer is that it is not only possible to have too much of it, there may even be too much of it
A Response from an Allegedly “Abnormal” Skeptic
This week the Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency implied that climate skeptics (she apparently used the far more pejorative term “climate denier” widely used by alarmists, of course) are abnormal. This seems more than a little odd since it is the climate alarmists (whom I refer to as the Climate Industrial Complex or
The Basis for Making Environmental Decisions
On this the day of release of Pope Francis’ Encyclical it is worth remembering the basis for making environmental decisions. My book, Enironmentalism Gone Mad, (available from the book website) argues for the use of science, economics, and law. As discussed in the book, the economics is clear: Reducing emissions of CO2 has net costs
One of the Ways that Environmentalism Has Gone Mad
When environmentalism was young in the mid-20th Century there was ample reason to be concerned about the the state of the environment in much of the world. In the US there was very little concern about pollution prior to about 1970. This all changed, however, in the 1970s and 1980s and strict pollution laws were enacted and
Why Skeptics Should Encourage Use of Energy from Fossil Fuels Where Economically Justified
I was actively involved in environmental protection as a Sierra Club activist and senior EPA analyst for over 45 years, but about eight years ago I concluded that I could not support the energy use/CO2 reduction objectives of the environmental movement and many governments in the developed world. These objectives are not just unlikely to
All Four Book Formats Now Available from Publisher
I now have evidence that printed copies of my book, Environmentalism Gone Mad, are being shipped by the Publisher, Stairway Press. So the book is now available in all four formats in which it is being offered through the book website.
Stairway Press Has Resolved Their Printing Problems for My Book
Stairway Press has informed me that their printing problems have been resolved and printed copies of my book are expected to reach them in about a week. Copies can be ordered from the book Webpage. Printed copies will reach other sellers shortly after that. My understanding is that the Kindle eBook version has been available
Printed Versions of My New Book Delayed until Later in May
I have just been informed by the Publisher, Stairway Press, that the printed versions of my new book, Environmentalism Gone Mad, have experienced printing delays and probably will not be available until Mid-May in the case of the black and white version and May 25 for the color version. Orders can continue to be placed
New Book Provides Insights on a Number of Public Policy Issues Besides Radical Climate Environmentalism
Although my new book, entitled Environmentalism Gone Mad, primarily concerns radical climate environmentalism, it contains new material on a number of other public and environmental policy issues which I have been involved with, including the following: The Cold War controversy over the adequacy of US strategic nuclear weapons (found in Chapter 2). Economic development of
New Book Available April 28
Stairway Press expects to publish my new book entitled Environmentalism Gone Mad: How a Sierra Club Activist and Senior EPA Analyst Discovered a Radical Green Energy Fantasy on April 28. A description of the book and its contents is available on a Website devoted to the book as well as links for ordering it in
Interview Supplementing My Award Acceptance Remarks at ICCC-9
As a result of my award acceptance remarks for the 2014 Climate Change Whistleblower Award I received at the July, 2014 International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-9) sponsored by the Heartland Institute and other co-sponsors, I was recently interviewed by James Taylor of the Heartland Institute. The resulting interchange provides additional background concerning my remarks and
My Remarks on New Proposed EPA Power Plant Regulations at ICCC9
On July 8 I received the 2104 Climate Science Whistleblower Award at the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change sponsored by the Heartland Institute and other cosponsoring organizations held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The following are remarks I prepared for my acceptance statement: I greatly appreciate receiving this award and for the efforts of the
EPA’s New Proposed Regulations to Restrict Emissions from Existing Fossil Fuel-Based Electric Generation
Today is the day when EPA unveils its regulations intended to solve a minor or more likely non-existent problem by placing restrictive government regulations intended to bias the electric supply business away from seeking the lowest cost source of energy (often coal) at the expense of all American ratepayers, but particularly lower and middle income
The Newly Urgent National Security Aspects of the Climate Change Issue
The annexation of Crimea by Russia has brought into focus an important aspect of the climate change debate. The US and the EU are trying to respond to the Russian annexation by using totally ineffective sanctions. Putin must be laughing at our pathetic response. The Russians are already threatening other parts of Ukraine. If successful,
Professor Murry Salby Delivers Devastating Critique of IPCC AGW Climate Science
Updated November 14, 2013 On April 18, 2013 Professor Murry Salby, a widely respected astrophysicist and textbook author on atmospheric physics from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, delivered a devastating critique of the IPCC’s AGW climate science in a lecture in Hamburg, Germany: This appears to be a much more comprehensive presentation of some of
The Need for Using Geoengineering to Avoid a New Ice Age Starting in the Next Few Millennia
In recent years interest in geoengineering has centered on the possibility of substituting it for reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions widely promoted as a solution to hypothesized global warming/climate change. Although it could be both more effective and cost-effective than GHG emission reductions for this purpose, a more fundamental question needs to be answered
US Supports Costly Loss and Damage Mechanism at UN Doha Climate Meeting
Although there is little evidence for significant human impacts on climate, there is no credible evidence for human causation of extreme weather events, as I and many others have recently pointed out. Despite this, the US voted at a UN climate meeting in Doha, Qatar this week to establish a loss and damage mechanism under
EPA’s Proposed Carbon “Pollution” Standard for New Power Plants
On May 23 I made a presentation on EPA’s proposed carbon “pollution” standard for new power plants at the Heartland Institute’s Seventh International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC7) in Chicago. My emphasis in the presentation was on my expectations as to what the Obama Administration would be likely to do concerning this and other proposed
Excellent Videos Summarizing the Skeptic Case Available from Down Under
Anyone interested in viewing a succinct statement of the skeptic case with regard to global warming/climate change can find three short videos outlining the case here. This was presented to a film crew from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation making a documentary on climate skepticism but completely edited out in making the final version aired on
Very Interesting New Paper on Astronomical Climatology
Ever wonder why there was a Little Ice Age or a Medieval Warm Period? Or why global temperatures increased slightly in the late 20th Century? On March 8 a preprint of Nicola Scafetta’s new paper entitled “Multi-scale Harmonic Model for Solar and Climate Cyclical Variation Throughout the Holocene Based on Jupiter-Saturn Tidal Frequencies Plus the
Why a Copernican Revolution Is Needed in Climate Change Research
For the reasons discussed in a journal article I published last spring, it is clear that the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) hypothesis does not satisfy the scientific method and thus does not explain global warming/climate change. So what does? The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claims that they cannot think of any
My Presentation on Climate Change Causation and Geoengineering at Moscow Conference on November 8
On November 8 I made a presentation on climate change causation and its implications for geoengineering at a conference sponsored by the Russian Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet) in Moscow and supported by various United Nations organizations including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It was attended by the Panel’s Chairman and Deputy
EPA Inspector General Finds Procedures Used in Preparing GHG Endangerment Finding Did Not Follow OMB Requirements
The USEPA Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued a review questioning the procedures used in preparing the Technical Support Document (TSD) on which EPA’s Endangerment Finding for greenhouse gases (GHGs) was based. The review argues that the TSD was a “highly influential scientific assessment” but that EPA did not follow the Office of Management
Murry Salby Presents Simple Analysis Showing that Variations in Atmospheric CO2 Are Primarily Due to Natural Temperature Changes, Not Humans
On August 2, 2011 Professor Murry Salby, Chair of Climate Science at Macquarie University in Australia with visiting professorships at Paris, Stockholm, Jerusalem, and Kyoto, made a presentation entitled Global Emission of Carbon Dioxide: The Contribution from Natural Sources showing that changes in atmospheric CO2 levels appear to be primarily related to natural temperature changes,
Obama’s Multifaceted Global Warming Doctrine Agenda and What Might Be Done to Slow It Down
On June 30 I made a presentation at the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change sponsored by the Heartland Institute in Washington, DC, entitled “Obama’s Multifaceted Global Warming Doctrine Agenda and What Might Be Done to Slow It Down.” The slides from the presentation can be downloaded here in PDF format. They provide an overview
Heartland’s 6th International Conference on Climate Change June 30-July 1 in DC
On June 30 and July 1, the Heartland Institute will present an International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-6) in Washington, DC, entitled “Restoring the Scientific Method.” The theme acknowledges the fact that claims of scientific certainty and predictions of climate catastrophes are based on unvalidated atmospheric models and post-normal science, which tries to substitute claims
My New Article on Climate Change Economics and Science Published in a Peer-reviewed Journal
Today my new paper on climate change science and economics was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, a peer-reviewed journal. The paper is unusual from a number of different perspectives. Some Unusual Features From a policy perspective, the paper’s conclusions include the following: · The economic benefits of reducing CO2
How Big Brother Is Using the National Parks and Other Agencies to Promote His Climate Religion Using Your Tax Dollars
The Obama Administration has made many efforts to support its climate religion (climatism). Since this viewpoint has no basis in the scientific method, it is not science and would seem best characterized as religion. For a list of what the Administration believes they have done see page 27 here. The first item listed is $80
Warmists’ Meager Hopes for a Climate Bill in 2010 Dashed by Lack of Votes for Even Drastically Scaled Down Energy Bill
Warmists had little hope for a climate bill this year after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s July 22 decision not to push an energy bill this year containing cap and trade/tax provisions or renewable electricity standards. Reid’s decision yesterday not to bring even a greatly scaled down bill to a vote before the August Congressional
July 22 May Well Mark the End for Major U.S. Climate Legislation and Global “Climate Control”
July 22 appears likely to mark a significant turning point in the long global warming/climate change control saga. Yesterday, the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, announced that the Senate would not consider legislation prior to the August recess that involved either cap and trade/tax or a renewable electricity standard. Although this outcome had been predicted
Why Congress Should Reject Preferences for Particular Fuel Sources as Well as Cap and Trade/tax
President Obama tonight called for a major transition from “dirty” fossil fuels to “clean” energy sources, and claimed that the Waxman-Markey bill was a major step in that direction. He claimed that such a change would help to prevent future oil spills such as that experienced over the last two months in the Gulf of
First Congressional Test of EPA’s Endangerment Finding Expected June 10
As explained in a recent paper, there are only a few ways in which the US Environmental Protection Agency can be prevented from rewriting the Clean Air Act and issuing sweeping regulations to attempt to control emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. These regulations are not based on good science but rather largely
EPA: The Administration’s High Risk but Pivotal Climate Gamble
Note: This post is the summary of the first section of a paper that I presented at the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change sponsored by the Heartland Institute, Chicago, Illinois, May 17, 2010. The second section drew heavily on a previous post. The full paper can be downloaded here. The briefing slides used in
Why Peer Review Is No Substitute for the Scientific Method
Given the the apparent death of cap and trade legislation in the US Senate, the short-term outcome of the US debate on action that allegedly might reduce climate change may rest primarily on what the USEPA manages to actually do. So it is of some importance what criteria EPA claims to be using in determining
Phil Jones May Still Have Some More Reflecting To Do
Jones Has Conceded a Little, but He Remains Unwilling to Take a More Objective View of Climate Science One notable aspect of Phil Jones’ responses to the BBC (see BBC news article and Q&As) was the fact that the BBC actually asked some probing questions and Jones actually answered them. But of more significance was
Why the Whole AGW/Warmist Narrative Is Even Weaker than Its Components
Current scrutiny of the AGW/alarmist/warmist positions quite deservedly centers primarily on the scientific integrity of the UN/IPCC reports, which in the United States may be crucial in the question of whether EPA acted in accordance with EPA regulations in determining that GHGs endanger public health and welfare. It is important, however, not to lose sight
How EPA Seeks to Unilaterally Impose GHG Emission Regulations Using UN “Science” Whether Anyone Likes It or Not
(Additional sources added January 30, 2010) The Obama Administration decided in its first month in office to try to use the authority given to EPA by the Supreme Court in Massachusetts vs. EPA to regulate the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) under the Clean Air Act. Instead of conducting its own independent analysis of the
The Politicization of EPA: The Administration’s Radical Endangerment Gamble
On Monday EPA announced its endangerment finding for greenhouse gases. One can infer from the timing of the announcement that the Administration may have taken this action at this time in order to bring something to the table at the Copenhagen COP15 meeting. From a scientific viewpoint it was an odd time to do so
Climategate and EPA
In my view the Emails and computer files from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) in Great Britain may prove to be of some importance to the USEPA’s current attempts to control greenhouse gases (GHGs) under the Clean Air Act. This is because EPA, perhaps at the urging of others in the Obama Administration, has proposed
Why the Choice of Energy Sources Should Be Left to the Market after Externalities Are Taken into Account
One of the major problems with attempts by government to select winners in the selection of energy sources is that they are almost certain to select inefficient and quite possibly even environmentally inferior choices compared to leaving these choices to the workings of the market. The choice of energy sources is complicated, region specific, and
Why the Basic Ground-measured Global Temperature Data Presented by AGW Supporters Is Suspect
(One source added January 28, 2010) One of the basic problems in reaching rational conclusions with regard to global climate change problems is that AGW proponents and skeptics largely use different data sources and very different analyses of the global temperature data to support their cases. Global Temperatures According to NOAA (click to enlarge) This
Why the UN GHG Hypothesis Should Be Rejected on Scientific Grounds
(Updated August 11, 2010 to include added sources; for further updates and related material, see Publications, particularly #s1 and 4, and this 2015 post.) In a previous post I explained why I believe that the United Nations GHG hypothesis that significant global warming will occur as a result of increasing greenhouse gas (such as CO2)
Global Temperature Charts Suggest Implausibility of UN CO2 Hypothesis
On June 30 I appeared on the Glenn Beck show, where I showed two charts from my Comments on the proposed EPA endangerment finding report. Although these two graphs do not prove or disprove the existence of significant global warming as a result of increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (the principal UN
How Skepticism Concerning the UN Hypothesis Fits with Interest in Geoengineering
Some may have wondered how I reconcile my skepticism about the United Nations hypothesis that emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases have an important effect on global temperatures fits with my interest in stratospheric geoengineering as an attractive alternative to reductions in CO2 emissions? This interest is shown in four of my previous publications
Comments on Proposed EPA Endangerment Technical Support Document
On June 25th the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) released a draft copy of my report critical of the science underlying EPA’s proposed position on Endangerment under the Clean Air Act and the role of CO2 in global warming saying: “The released report is a draft version, prepared under EPA’s unusually short internal review schedule, and