Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

Kamala Harris Appears to Confirm My Expectations of a Planned Harris Administration

On Monday, September 14, Kamala Harris, speaking at a small business roundtable in Arizona, touted economic plans under a “Harris administration.”  Was this an inadvertent error or a Freudian slip?  She quickly caught her error, but I’m betting the latter for reasons discussed last week.

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Trump will be re-elected by a no doubt about it margin.

The climate hoax will persist as long as some States choose to implement carbon related climate policies.

Yet these will trend ever more into oblivion, deserving of cargo cult science.

Global warming and climate change are brand names invented by the communist UN. Corona virus or COVID-1984 is similarly a communist generated scare to damage the economy and advance a UN led coup for a one nation World government or new world order.

American voters are going to reject this evil despotism.


Donn Dears recently blogged on a Boston Review article that concludes that we need to accept having unreliable energy is going to be required to meet de-carbonization goals.

That post and the one blow highlights the need to have a complete review of the endangerment finding –

“The Trouble with Carbon Pricing-

Carbon pricing has dominated conversations around climate policy for decades, but it is ineffective. Only a bold approach that centers politics can meet the problem at its scale”

Matto Mildenberger, Leah C. Stokes


Joel wonders if

“Will America Go Ecotopian?

If Kamala Harris makes it to the White House, Ecotopian ideas—at least those that don’t threaten her tech oligarch backers, often the beneficiaries of renewable investments—are almost certain to come to the fore. Like California, the rest of the country would have to live with higher costs and less reliable energy, along with huge investments in mass transit—yielding few new riders—and restrictions on middle-class suburban housing, even as this form of housing, according to the National Association of Realtors, has gained even more popularity since the pandemic.”……

There is some good news for PG&E customers. The original DWP cost allocations for having poorly planned our way out of the energy crisis back in 2000 seems to have ended. The tariff updates that went into affect on October 1, 2020 no longer denote a DWP allocation.

A “Wildfire Fund Charge” cost allocations has been added to e-6 residential rate payers bills. It seems the net affect of these changes is a slight increase in kWh charges. The October climate credit is documented as having been pulled forward to reduce bills in June and July. Hence when I get my bill later this month it will not include a credit.

The changes should get rolled up for inclusion in PG&E website-

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