Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

EPA’s Proposed Carbon “Pollution” Standard for New Power Plants

On May 23 I made a presentation on EPA’s proposed carbon “pollution” standard for new power plants at the Heartland Institute’s Seventh International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC7) in Chicago.
My emphasis in the presentation was on my expectations as to what the Obama Administration would be likely to do concerning this and other proposed EPA regulations after the November, 2012 election. My point was that it appears likely that the Administration has been holding back on important aspects of the large range of expensive EPA regulations that it has proposed or is working on until after the election but can be expected to move rapidly afterwards to implement as many as possible, whether they win or lose the election. My presentation can be viewed here and my slides here.
My 2011 presentation on Obama’s Multifaceted GWD Agenda and What Might Be Done to Slow It Down at Heartland’s ICCC6 in Washington, DC can be viewed here and my slides here.
My 2010 presentation on EPA: The Administration’s High Risk but Pivotal Climate Gamble at Heartland’s ICCC4 in Chicago can be viewed here and my slides here. A writen version can be found here.

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Mike Haseler

Economics!!! This will be right up your street.

This from twitter:

@ScotClimate: Scottish Government found to have lied on key figure. Is the Scottish Climate Bill dead?. Will the minister resign?

The Scottish government lied to politicians about key financial data which was central to the argument for the bill when they passed the Scottish Climate Change Bill. The government citing Stern said that the economic cost of a 2-3°C rise would be “between 5-20% of GDP”. In fact Stern suggests there may not be any net economic harm quoting figures of 0-3%

The figures are so key to justifying the bill, that it really is difficult to see how this bill could withstand a legal challenge.

… but the scandal gets worse. The Scottish paper (The Courier) which broke this story seems to have been lent on to remove the story. Presumably by someone in government.

This is about as bad as we can get. It appears the world’s most enthusiastic government for climate change is now embroiled in lies & cover-up.

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