Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

Herds of Deranged Globalists

Guest Post by Just Beau

Photosynthesis enables life on Earth:   The Field Museum, situated in Chicago, provides a superb exhibit about the evolution of life on Earth, encompassing the past 4.6 billion years.   It includes stunning fossils of long extinct fish and dinosaurs.   Plants get fuller billing at a second exhibit, “Plants of the World.”  It takes two great exhibits to begin to convey our debts to gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2).

CO2 in the air, coupled with water, (biological) cells, and sunlight combine to empower the Biosphere.  This underlying process creating life on Earth is photosynthesis.  It turns solar energy and nutrients into living plants, plus oxygen.

Owing to photosynthesis, our Biosphere, across billions of years, has created a sublime diversity of species.  One is homo sapiens, chimps who developed sophisticated communication.   We are a new species.  The Field’s exhibit about plants illustrates their wondrous diversity.  Flowers are enabled by CO2.

Are you scared, yet?

CO2 is a vital elixir, not an impurity, nor air pollutant.  Another vital gas is oxygen, 22 percent of the atmosphere.  Who would call oxygen an air pollutant?   Nitrogen gas is a third vital constituent of the atmosphere, 78 percent.

Historically, oxygen levels long ago peaked at 30 percent.  At sufficiently high levels, oxygen is flammable.  Nitrogen provides the virtue of inertness.  It serves to prevent oxygen from reaching too high a level.  Though their concentrations differ widely, CO2, O2, and N gases, all enable life, on the third rock from the Sun.

We inhale, putting oxygen into our blood.  Oxygen is created by plants, via photosynthesis.   Plants in turn nourish grazing animals and, indirectly, carnivores.   Animals require oxygen as well as food.  All life is built on photosynthesis, reliant on CO2 gas.   The two reliably known outcomes of CO2 are beneficial, oxygen to breathe and plants for food.

Earth’s early atmosphere had under 1 percent oxygen.   Photosynthesis via single cell bacteria took 1 billion years even to start.   These cells reproduced by fission, thus were self-sustaining given light, water, and CO2.   Most atmospheric oxygen today, on which we depend, has been created by photosynthesis.   Across immense time, bacteria evolved into more complex plants and these moved onto land, where they took root.

CO2 is the precursor to oxygen.   The two gases should not be viewed in isolation, because CO2 creates Earth’s oxygen via photosynthesis.   CO2 and O2 are two gases, yet an inter-related pair, one or the other.  One cannot have one molecule, without the other following.  CO2 produces O2 via the intermediation of photo-synthetic plants.

Oxygen levels in Earth’s air are 22 percent.  Despite large emissions, atmospheric levels of CO2 remain low (0.0004).   This incongruity seems best explained by busy use of CO2 by plants.

It is wrong for the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) to fixate on CO2.   Yes, CO2 forms when fossil fuel is burned.  In contrast, oxygen is not created by burning fossil fuels.  However, CO2 is soon transformed into oxygen by plants.  Oxygen is the quick secondary result of combusting fossil fuels.  Is this bad?  No.  We need oxygen.  Are you scared of photosynthesis yet?

The Earth is not encased under glass, like a genuine greenhouse.  No gas can function like the hard material, glass, admitting solar rays, while also preventing the loss of warmed air.  There are no greenhouse gases.   Absent enveloping glass, hot air rises and thereby cools.

Animals including humans, cattle, and all others emit CO2, via exhalations.  This recycles CO2 to the air, yielding new oxygen via the intermediation of plants.  Animal emissions are greater than from fossil fuels, yet whatever the sources of CO2, this elixir is purely beneficial.

Doctor Carlin aptly entitled his learned book about climate alarmism, Environmentalism Gone Mad.  When leaders of many countries agree photosynthesis a horrible threat to our futures, the majority appear to have taken leave of their senses.

Or, they have invented a convenient, science fiction, cover story.

Globalist hope chest:  The UN is a complex empire for collaboration, on a multi-nation basis.  The empire includes the International Monetary Fund (1945), World Bank (1945), World Health Organization (1948), and a High Commissioner for Refugees (1950).   A court resolves disputes among nations that accept its jurisdiction.  UN missions include peacekeeping and weapons non-proliferation.  There are around 190 members, holding opposing views as regards rights for their citizens and expectations of the UN.  Many laypeople may assume the UN makes unanimous or wise decisions.  Not so with climate.

UNEP’s Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change started its absurd journey in 1988.   It completed a Kyoto Protocol in 1997.  Ratification was unanimously rejected by the US Senate.  The Senate has dealt severely with UN climate alarm proposals.

Obama adopted UNEP’s view that CO2 was a threat.  He was unable to persuade Congress to pass legislation of course, since climate change does not exist.  He instead issued regulations on a one-party basis.  In 2012, Senator Inhofe wrote a book to assert climate change was a hoax.   In this opinion, he was correct.

The UNEP’s views about climate owe merely to a plurality of votes by politicians.  Member nations represent dictatorships and socialist tyrannies.  UNEP’s vision includes reparations from rich nations to poor.   This buys votes vote for alarmism.  Trump kept it short during a 2016 debate with Hillary.   He called climate change “B.S.”   President Trump extricated the US from UNEP climate process during spring 2017.

Climate change has remained a topic for Democrats to babble about.  Even toffee-nosed US universities cling to climate alarmism, in high profile ways.   They embarrass themselves.

Why such intractable madness?

My answers have shifted, partly based on surprising campaigning for the 2020 election.  The UN has a majority of socialist and intolerant governments.  This plurality explains why the validity of climate change is irrelevant.   What Doctor Carlin has called the Climate Industrial Complex could also be called the UN socialist network.  UN science is rigged.

Interests of globalists include refugee placement; climate and energy; hatred of Israel; teachers unions that favor more foreign students and Federal loans to inflate tuition.  Some faculty hold absurd views such as biological men can bear children.  Other elements within the UN socialist network includes the World Bank; IMF; and mainstream media.   Socialists prefer citizens not own firearms to defend themselves.  The UN must have a large number of workers near New York City and Washington DC.

Campaign year 2020 hints at strange plots, like a James Bond 007 movie:

  • Socialist advocacy for unlimited immigration from nations hostile to human rights.
  • Benefits for illegal immigrants.
  • Support for abortions, as if to hold down the US population.
  • Illegal gun confiscation for Virginia.
  • Nasty congresspeople who act like agents for hostile nations.
  • Payments a few years ago to Iran, epicenter of terrorism.
  • Democrats defend terrorists instead of the brutally oppressed, brave people of Iran.
  • University faculty support for climate change, though there is no Biosphere process by which CO2 could warm or alter climate.
  • Sanctuaries for illegal immigrants though they commit violent crimes.

How much of this anti-American, despicable agenda owes to the rage of anti-Trump lemmings versus how much is by deliberate evil intent?

The agenda seems poorly planned to woo votes from legal American citizens.   Trump derangement syndrome is disturbing.   It is as if evil foreign paymasters dictate the Democrat platform.

The First Amendment: It is refreshing to visit the Field Museum, in Chicago, a city where Obama served as a political activist.  Hillary Rodham hailed from nearby Park Ridge.  Illinois is highly indebted.  Taxing marijuana has become a new way to raise money.

Many parts of Illinois are delightful, including able people, some of whom compose learned exhibits for museums.  These exhibits integrate learning from many rigorous scientific disciplines.  The Field exhibit about evolution is generally faithful to Charles Darwin and to science.

Admission is not cheap.  The Museum even raises a little money by selling books about climate change, in a souvenir shop.   People harbor diverse beliefs, so its good for the museum to offer such books, even if refuted by learned exhibits.  Each visitor is “free to choose” what inspires him or her.

Believers in climate change can be nice people, despite being sadly misinformed.   In the US, believers in the climate hoax are blessed to enjoy the protection of the first amendment, in effect the right of each citizen to choose what to believe, what to think, and what to communicate.

This first amendment is another precious elixir.   It serves to rally the people to be watchful against treason and tyranny.

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Just beau

It’s an interesting commentary on the potent power of propaganda that something as implausible as climate change can gain any traction.

The Sun controls temperatures on earth. End of story. You put in sunscreen not c02 screen. Ask any four year old.

But once the kid grows up and becomes a professor or journalist, they fit like lemmings into their cultures.

It takes a patriotic realist with back bone like Donald trump to blow the whistle on pretension and left wing fables.

He stands up to the fake news, China, North Korea, isis, Iran., Obama, the Clintons, Trudeau, NATO deadbeats, angela, macron, comey, Brennan, Davos,, socialism, and teeming hordes of haters and losers.

Just beau

I provided a succinct refutation of the claim that CO2 gas endangers the Earth.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders advises that just because left wingers say something over and over does not make it true. Climate alarmists often use psychological tactics like outrage, political correctness, cancel culture, intimidation. These are not tools of science, but of socialism.

Why do socialists like targeting CO2? It opens a Pandora’s box across the globe of rationales to tax or appropriate fossil fuels. The climate of climate change is a gravy train for governments, everywhere.

But it is false, despite all the repetition and emotion. It is Fake Science championed by Fake News. It is vulnerable to attack by countervailing genuine science.

Just beau

If there is a simple refutation of climate alarmism, as I think, then the implications are troubling.

The American public has been shamelessly lied to by al Gore, Barack Obama, the New York Times and the rest of the Democratic Party propaganda machine, for decades. This includes many distinguished universities.

Socialists now dominate American universities.

It’s an amazing example of group thinking, all premised on a hoax. Many followers innocently follow the herd of epic stupidity.

Leslie J Allen

This writer has good thoughts but needs to get focused. Way too much rambling round about.

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