Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

The Left’s Real Purpose in Advocating Climate Socialism

In case anyone had any doubts as to what the climate movement is trying to do, the climate socialists have now told us. The aim is to transform the US from a capitalist economy into a socialistic one. In recent months various Far Left Democrats have produced blueprints as to what this would look like, usually called a Green New Deal (GND) or some such. In general, they are pretending that climate change is a serious national problem that can be solved by making Government-decreed decarbonization the national priority for the US Government. The result would be a centrally planned economy with all the problems of such economies elsewhere in the world and little decrease in emissions of carbon dioxide.

The real purpose is to change our growing and dynamic capitalist economy into a centrally-planned socialist one. It is difficult to imagine why the climate socialists want to do this, but a good guess might be that they are continuing the age-old capitalist-socialist discussion. This appears to have been the objective for many years, and the climate crusade appears to have carefully planned each step along the way.

This week, for example, brought a paper showing how the climate campaigners managed to take over many professional organizations with areas of expertise relevant to the climate issue. Tom Harris and Jay Lehr have just published an article on how the Left took over many scientific societies in their march towards imposing climate socialism on the world. Lehr and Harris do not undertake the next step of explaining how the socialists then took over the Democratic Party as well. This followed their takeover of most environmental groups, the United Nations, and the mainstream media as well. My book, Environmentalism Gone Mad, presents some ideas. The result is that the US is faced with a 2020 election that could well decide the political future of the United States not just with respect to climate change but also the larger issues of capitalism versus socialism.

The proponents of green socialism have been planning their campaign for many years by infiltrating various professional societies concerned with important aspects of climate science. In many cases the individuals involved were already members who have become more outspoken in their advocacy of climate socialism. This requires years of planning and manipulation of the organizations involved since it cannot be done without such efforts. It is not done accidentally and without careful preparation. Whether the apparently careful takeovers of these organizations were premeditated or even coordinated cannot be proved, but is a strong possibility.

It is now evident that climate socialists have recently expanded their infiltration of other organizations that may be able to help their utopian but ill conceived cause. The most important such organization is the Democratic Party. There can be little doubt, however, that many of the Democratic candidates for President in 2020 support climate socialism since many support some variation of the Green New Deal.

US climate socialism will have no measurable or useful effects on global temperatures. The reason is that almost all of the increases in carbon dioxide emissions are occurring in Asian countries, particularly China and India, assuming that carbon dioxide (CO2) has any significant effects on global temperatures. Any minor decreases that might occur in the US, which already leads the world in emissions reductions by allowing markets to determine the best energy policies, will rapidly be more than offset by Asian increases. Second, available evidence shows that atmospheric levels of CO2 have been shown to have no significant effects on temperatures to begin with. Lastly the world needs minor increases in CO2 rather than decreases given the importance of CO2 in the growth of plants, the basis for most life on Earth. So the climate socialists are hoping to use their latest acquisition of the Democratic Party to take over the US Government and economy. This would result in a major change in US economic policy and almost certainly the downfall of US world economic dominance.

This is now a real possibility that needs attention by all US voters in the next national election–unless they want the US to go the way of the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and Cuba. No national government has successfully turned to socialism. The US has prospered by pursuing capitalism. Only by providing incentives for economic progress will economic progress occur. Why the Democratic climate socialists believe that the US would be an exception economically is beyond understanding.

The next national election is likely to play a crucial role in determining the country’s economic future, and very little, if any, on whether world temperatures decrease through the use of government-imposed decarbonization. The left is simply trying to use the ridiculous allegation that spending many times as much on climate would favorably change Earth’s temperatures to force the US to change its economic system towards their utopian model of climate socialism. Climate socialism will have no such effect. It is simply a waste of money and resources with a danger of resulting in the collapse of the US’s dynamic capitalist economy.

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Just beau

Characteristics of today’s left are usefully illustrated thru climate alarmism.

For instance, a preference for belief over the scientific method and utter disregard for any semblance of honesty. Abuse and intimidation of skeptics. You must believe Big Brother and anyone who does not is a bad person. Intolerance reigns.

Another characteristic is Antagonism to private business, though businesses create useful jobs for citizens and generate the wealth to keep afloat a highly indebted national government.

Lying to the public in alliance with progressives in the news media and in universities. Disinformation for shameless political gain is ubiquitous.

Disinformation deliberately misleads the public and thereby undermines the practice of democracy itself.

Just beau

China is an unusual exception to the customary failure of socialist economies as in the cases of Cuba, Venezuela, and the USSR/Russia. China is a highly accomplished manufacturing economy, despite poor democracy and substantial government ownership.
Why this unusual success by a socialist nation? Hard working people or worked hard. Effective incentives and management. Adopting knowledge from capitalist nations. Government ownership of banks. Burning a coal and investing in hydro electricity and nuclear power. Valuing technical education. Maybe insiders manage assets for their own benefit, a kind of indirect capitalism? Investment in China by foreign firms may represent a hybrid of capitalism and totalitarianism.
China has good energy policies, no emission caps, and a vigorous economy. China is not hobbled by UN climate policies and appears to be a socialist success story.

Just beau

Thanks for this thoughtful and serious essay, nicely timed to fit with Memorial Day.
My impression is each of us has tended to refer more and more to socialists or the Left, as we may see climate change as one piece within a larger agenda.
It is a worrisome agenda en route to Orwellian totalitarianism on steroids. The extent of idea corruption of the media and of academia are astounding. Ditto Obama’s FBI.
There is becoming a starker Contrast between the parties. The left has zero sensible ideas and is running on hoaxes. Anyone who values democracy, free speech and the Constitution and a competitive economy needs to vote Republican. Anyone who supports Animal house and 1984 should vote for the Left.

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