Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

The Leftward March of the Democratic Party on Climate Appears Out of Step with World Climate Policies

Two weeks ago I explained how four major nations have moved their climate policy rightward. This week brought similar developments in three additional countries, namely, Brazil, Australia, and possibly Indonesia.

Perhaps the most significant was Australia, where the election last week was fought in a substantial way on the basis of climate policy. But the Labor Party, the principal advocate of leftist climate policies, did not win their expected victory, and is unlikely to form a government.

Brazil shifted its climate policies sharply to the right as a result of a previous election. It is reported that Indonesia may join the rightward march as well. See also here.

So recent developments hardly support the idea that the world is rapidly moving leftward in climate policy. An objective view actually suggests that it is shifting towards the right. An important exception is the US Democratic Party, which is clearly shifting towards a much more extreme leftist climate policy. In doing so, it may be taking significant risks of defeat in 2020. Does the American public want to make climate policy the major focus of the Federal Government’s activities as advocated by the “Democratic Socialists?” Do they really want to devote half of national product to extreme decarbonization efforts, which we already know would result in unmeasurable changes in world CO2 levels. And do they want to do this by extreme government intervention in the energy markets when the US has “led” the world in reducing carbon emissions by allowing the markets to “accomplish” much more with comparatively far less government intervention. The “Democratic Socialists” clearly say yes. It is the “Democratic Socialists” who have gambled everything on this climate policy. I hope and expect that they have very badly misread the wishes of the American electorate.

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Just beau

While it would be nice to think of Leftists as lovable losers, the story about the backfiring of climate policies on Indonesia is distressing for anyone who cares about nature.

To avoid coal and oil, some consumers switch to burning oil extracted from palm trees. Indonesia has been converting species rich virgin rainforests on Borneo into palm tree plantations. Thus climate alarmist hogwash is destroying precious rainforest.

And the replacement palm tree plantations are more vulnerable to forest fires, having lost the water retained within the canopy of a tropical rainforest.

This sad devastation of rainforest turned into farm seems Aggravated by climate alarmism. It is a predictable outcome from replacing coal, gas, and nuclear with the trendy alternative of growing a biofuel. Thanks so very much Climate alarmist losers!


Here in Australia the left-wing Labor Party, which is funded by the union movement, only has politicians elected with the assistance of our preferential voting system and the far-left-progressive Greens.

The hysterical climate activists, when asked, refuse to acknowledge that Australia, with a grand total of 1.3% of the global human contribution to atmospheric CO2, cannot influence temperature.

The leader of the Labor party went to the election promising voters that we did not need to know what his climate action policies would cost because the “cost of inaction” was so much greater. He claimed it was a stupid and dumb question to ask what climate action costs.

Unfortunately because of the coalition of Labor and Greens in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, there is a significant bloc of alarmist politicians still roaming the halls of power, well supported by complicit media, academic institutions and lobbyists.

Just beau

Congratulations to Australia on a huge win for sanity. This includes pro business policies, immigration control, national sovereignty, and rejection of the climate alarmist hoax.

All around the planet, climate alarmism is being defeated. It is a dopey cause for gullible losers.

Andrew Bolt and Joanne Nova are two Aussie skeptics who have worked mightily against climate alarmist chicanery and deserve salutes and thanks.

Just beau

Another root value is upholding democracy. The Left tries to mislead voters by hoaxes like climate alarmism. Yet voters have rejected alarmism in Australia, the USA, Brazil.
Alarmism is a cause for socialist insiders and gullible followers, yet rejected by voters who realize its just Fake News that serves to hurt the economic health of their nation.
Democracy can be messy or painful, but it is still the best form of governance, empowering voters.

Just beau

There is a lot of encouraging news. Australia is a parched continent. No icecaps to melt. Harsh terrain, the outback. Convicts Settled there. Why should rough hewn Aussies believe in the faux intellectual climate hoax? its ridiculous socialists try sell the climate hoax to voters down under. Happily when they lose, climate alarmism loses too.

Brazil fired an eco activist minister. Largest nation in South America.
The Times of India publishes an essay that climate science is not even science. India is the second most populous nation on earth.
The unsa is the third most populous and has already blown off the the UN climate stuff.
Now Doc reports Indonesia is considering exiting. Its the 4th most populous nation..
Germans are cooling on Merkel.
Yellow jackets are cross at Macron.
Russia sells hydrocarbons. China combusts a lot of them.

There are encouraging signs in a lot of important nations.

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