Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

The “Green New Dealers” Have Lost All Perspective

Perhaps the worst aspect of the “Green New Deal” (GND) recently proposed by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Edward Markey is that the authors have lost (or possibly never had) all perspective on climate change. They are acting as if climate change were as bad a problem as the Great Depression, and that another “New Deal” is required for the US to survive. This shows that they they really have no understanding of climate change and that Congress should never appropriate any funds for the purposes proposed by the GNDers. If they have such a bad understanding of this problem, what would they do if there actually were a real problem? It makes one worry that the GNDers might be willing to start World War III on the basis of nothing.

The larger view is that prior to about 1860 the world was suffering from the Little Ice Age, the coldest period for several hundred years with many adverse effects on humans and their crops. What the world needed was higher temperatures, not colder temperatures. During the 1930s the world began to get what it so badly needed, warmer temperatures. So then there was some warming again from the 1970s until recently. And now the climate extremists want lower temperatures rather than realizing that the present relative warmth is just what we needed. There are now increasing indications that temperatures may fall again over the next decade or two because of a weakening sun. The temperature changes to date are entirely consistent with past variations in climate temperatures. Clearly the best thing to do is nothing. But the GND supporters are desperate to claim an emergency and spend almost one hundred trillion dollars of taxpayer and ratepayer money claiming that the problem they see must be solved in 12 years if the world is to survive. We do not even understand how the climate system works, let alone how to solve the alleged problem. As explained on this blog and my Book, everything points to bad “science,” not an emergency.

How crazy can you get! We should be thankful for the minor temperature increases during the Twentieth Century and maybe even hope for a little more, not sacrifice everything to solve a non-problem that we should be thankful for. The climate alarmists should not be given even $1 of taxpayer or ratepayer funds until and unless the “consensus” science may be shown to be fully valid by independent scientists using the scientific method. It is the responsibility of the GNDers to show the validity of their “science,” not climate skeptics.

The best available scientific research using structural econometrics shows that there has been no significant warming due to increases in CO2 during the years for which data is available. But the GNDers want expenditures estimated at $93 trillion of your tax and ratepayer money that assume this is not the case. They base their case on climate models that assume that temperature increases during the 20th Century will continue or even accelerate as CO2 levels continue to increase. But there is no valid evidence for this, just computer models based on unproven “science” promoted by the United Nations in recent decades and more recently by left-wing socialists in the US.

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Just beau

What are some life essential chemicals?

Oxygen for inhalation. Without oxygen, we quickly die.
Water for drinking. We are about 60 percent water by weight.
Carbon dioxide for enabling photosynthesis. CO2 makes grasses, fruits, and veggies for food on earth.
Plants then emit oxygen to restore oxygen in the atmosphere.

The crazy thing about the global warming scare is taking the most benign of molecules, carbon dioxide, and claiming it is going to melt glaciers and kill millions of people. This far fetched claim has been a political narrative for decades.

For a long time, it did not matter. It was irrelevant. Anti fossil fuel drivel from crackpot environmentalists. But then left wing ascendency in universities began to endorse the nonsense and suppress skepticism. And the stock market collapse of 2008 enabled a junior senator to become presidemt and champion the folly.

How silly it all is. The Sun provides warmth and rays to enable photosynthesis with CO2. The Sun is responsible for warmth, not a trace level gas.

Just beau

The final collapse of the Trump is controlled by Russia fable is good for illustrating the foolishness of believing left wing media. It’s a nice boost for Fox News and conservative credibility.

Another plus are the socialist primary entrants. A faux Native American. A guy who flails his arms and who has achieved nothing in life. Faux Spartacus. Red Bernie. Aging Joe.

Delightfully climate change has been championed by a socialist bartender. And amazingly a bunch of the candidates have endorsed her lunatic proposal.

This signs auger very well indeed for a Trump win in 2020. The socialists are not even trying to present themselves as sensiblle, at this early stage. While a few could in time show better, it will be hard because of the horrible first impression they are collectively making.

Climate change has never been riper for a take down, after the falsity of socialist media about trump as a traitor has become more apparent. Given a massive credibility problem, the Dems should not be led by a bartender.

Just beau

Harvey Weinstein
The southern poverty law center.
Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Loretta Lynch, Rice, Clapper, Hillary, Simpson
Liberal media reporting on Russiagate.

A gallery of rogues or fools.

Al Gore’s climate change hoax fits wonderfully into this disgraceful company.


A weakness many environmentalists and lefty journalists have developed is co-dependence on following preordained narratives more that facts.

Many reporters won’t question evidence of warming. They do not challenge socialist politicians to provide evidence for their alarm.

The same thing happened with Russiagate. Socialist reporters stick to protectong the party narrative, no matter how fake.

Doubting or questioning socialist politicians is clearly out of style. in this way reporters become propaganda salesmen.

The Times and Post are no better than Rolling Stone or the Nation. Rubbish.

Carl Bernstein, hero of Watergate, now lies much more than President Nixon did. Carl is a disgrace.

Bill Stewart

Karl Popper’s term for the alarmists’ “settled science” is pseudo-science, and we should be using that term for it.
And, yes, doing nothing is the right approach.
Renewables will destroy both the environment and the economy, and kill millions. A lose-lose-lose.

Kevin Hearle

The situation and solution you propose “Do nothing” is the answer. The political and ideological driven agenda is totally out of control. The UN a once trusted organisation has totally lost the plot and become a slave to the left green ideologues. The UN unelected bureaucrats along with the unelected bureaucrats in NGOs are driving a world wide socialist movement to redistribute the wealth of the west and in the process destroy capitalism, the only economic system that has proved successful for humanity. These organisations should all be defunded by those legitimately elected governments who currently supply the financial life blood to feed the climate ideologically driven machine. The problem is that scientifically illiterate politicians are being led blindly down a path that will destroy our way of life through the misallocation of our scarce resources to a non problem. Recently, the use of children to promote the climate agenda is a dangerous escalation that harks back to the Hitler youth movementof the mid to late 1930’s, we live in dangerous times.

[…] Perhaps the worst aspect of the “Green New Deal” (GND) recently proposed by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Edward Markey is that the authors have lost (or possibly never had) all perspective on climate change, writes Alan Carlin. […]

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