Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

What Will Be the Outcome of the Great Climate Scam?

An interesting question is what will be the outcome of the great climate scam? If Hillary Clinton had won in 2016 it is clear that all coal fossil fuel power plants would have been shut down and even some of the natural gas plants. By that time it would have become evident that all that would have been accomplished was that the builders of “renewable” power plants would have been enriched and the ratepayers and taxpayers would have paid the much higher costs of “renewable” electricity and suffered from lower reliability of wind and solar plants. There would be no significant effect on global temperatures.

But Hillary did not win. Unless EPA is willing to reevaluate the greenhouse gas Endangerment Finding, there seems likely to be a long period of legal uncertainty while EPA tries to revoke the Obama climate-related regulations and is rebuffed by the courts because of the continued existence of the EF. In the meantime, global temperatures may start to fall–not because of any government action but because of naturally-caused lower solar activity, changes in naturally-caused oceanic cycles, increasing cloud cover on Earth, and lower temperatures as more incoming radiation from the sun is reflected back into space by the increased clouds. It will presumably become ever more evident that CO2 has no significant effect on temperatures in the real world, but the climate alarmists are unlikely to ever admit this despite falling global temperatures and ever increasing divergence between the alarmists’ climate models and the satellite temperature record. It may take a new generation before the Climate-Industrial Complex will actually be willing to admit that CO2 has no significant effect on temperatures despite the critical evidence for this.

This outcome is clearly very messy, but preferable to wasting more trillions of ratepayer and taxpayer dollars and to suffering reduced electricity reliability on the basis of bad science. But a better outcome would be for EPA to reevaluate and revoke the Endangerment Finding, which should end the scam in the US.

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Just beau

Young children learn heat comes from the Sun and appreciate that the seasons change.

It is strange indeed that as some grow older and become more educated, they can lose track of these timeless verities.

Why would many come to accept the scam that temperatures are rising or changing because of carbon dioxide, the key to photosynthesis?

As plants flourish here in the northern hemisphere, at the onset of a wonderful new season, such questions about human frailties are hard to sidestep.

Just beau

The President is an increasingly strong position. He is giving great pep rallies and confirming dominance over the Republican Party. The democrats have no positive issues and few credible leaders. They and the Fake News have profound credibility problems.
It’s a little hard to imagine how this would change, given the collapse of practical ideas on the left. If they had more to campaign on, they would have dropped the fictitious narrative of climate change.

Happy first day of summer, Doc! The northern hemisphere is warming, before it cools for fall.


I hope you are right and that global temperatures do start to fall, though we cannot be sure what will happen. In any case the people compiling the figures might resort to a little more adjustments or interpolation. We cannot rely on Trump keeping hold of the Presidency and in two years time we might not get Hillary, but someone else with similar views, so we could be right back to where we started. I don’t want to be negative, but it is a real worry.

There is no time to waste, Mr Pruitt needs to get on and have his debate and then overturn the EF as soon as possible.

Just beau

I support Trump, Pruitt, Wheeler and hope they can regulate the dishonest CIC.
This is why I am not impatient about repealing endangerment. I defer to them on timing.
But I agree with doc Carlin, the endangerment finding has to go. Photosynthesis enables life on our planet, it does not endanger it.
Just how stupid do Obama and Gore think Americans are? Tell them you are not a climate idiot by voting Republican in November and evermore!

Just beau

One current outcome From exiting the UN process is this ties the democrats to a losing issue at a state level. States and towns headed by Democrats feel obliged to stay loyal to the climate scam. This should hurt them during upcoming elections.

Merkel leaving office will also hurt the morale of climate warriors.

Repealing the endangerment finding is profoundly appropriate, but the Trump administration can jettison it later. Whereas talking with North Korea was truly urgent, I can be more patient about the endangerment scam.

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