Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

US Deep Freeze Raises Serious Concerns about Climate Alarmist Policies

Most of the United States has been locked in a deep freeze for a number of weeks that almost everyone affected would dearly love to escape from. The deep freeze has posed immediate and potentially serious consequences for those living in the New England states of the US. They need to keep warm, but are finding that this is posing needless problems because of climate alarmist policies in these states. These problems result from the closure of a number of coal-fired electric plants in recent years in these states and the refusal of local politicians to approve new natural gas pipelines or local fracking for natural gas, in many cases for alleged climate “reasons.” This follows similar problems a few years ago and suggests some of the practical problems posed by climate alarmist policies where they are actually implemented.

More generally, the climate alarmists currently have a serious problem in selling their “cause” in most of the US. They still want the US Government, taxpayers, and ratepayers to spend trillions of dollars of other people’s money on measures they claim will keep global temperatures from rising when most of the US is so bitterly cold and most people would like it warmer, not colder.

Bitter Cold Reminds Us that This Could Be a Harbinger of Things to Come

Many climate realists believe that Earth appears to be entering a sharp downturn in temperatures over the next few decades because of the falling number of sunspots and lower total solar irradiance. So this winter’s bitter cold may portend similar things to come. Some have even predicted a new “Little Ice Age” since the decrease in sunspots is very similar to what happened just before the last Little Ice Age a few centuries ago.

If these climate realists are correct, the world will be “saved” from the climate alarmists’ predicted catastrophic increases in temperatures in the next few decades, but will enter an even more unwelcome persistent cold period. And when global temperatures fall global CO2 levels are very likely to fall with them since atmospheric CO2 levels are determined largely by global temperatures. All this will happen for “free.” No need for building ugly, expensive solar panels or giant bird and bat killing windmills or suffering much more frequent power failures, as in South Australia.

If this is what actually happens, anything paid to reduce CO2 emissions will have been completely wasted since wind and solar can never compete with fossil fuels in providing inexpensive and reliable electricity and warmth. This assumes that the alarmists’ expensive remedies actually have any temperature reduction effects, of course. But everyone may be primarily hoping for higher temperatures–just like most US citizens are this winter–not lower temperatures. And reliable fossil fuels should be in great demand to alleviate the horrible effects of a new Little Ice Age.

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These people who believe in climate change (climate alarmists) should have ALL electricity cut off except for the 1% delivered by the windmills and solar panels. Let’s see how cold they really want it ?

Just beau

Climate alarmism may hinge partly on snobbery. All those smug university professors in New England could never be wrong and Trump correct!
But if the normal deplorable people of New England would like lower energy bills, they need to start laughing at university snobs who profess to believe in the absurdity of global warming. It’s side splittingly silly. Barack Obama, Al Gore, and John Kerry, the three stooges of climate.

Just beau

I am unsure how many folks today how extensive glaciers used to be. In Europe they covered Britain and the Netherlands. In North America, they covered all Canada, New England, New York, the Great Lakes, Chicago, all under glaciers. For a couple of million years.
If there had been talking primates at the time, no doubt the al gores and Jim Hansens of their day would have discouraged invention of fire, because they feared warmth.

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