Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

Reducing Human CO2 Emissions: A Non-Solution to a Non-Problem

The climate alarmists maintain that continued burning of fossil fuels will bring about catastrophic global warming/climate change and the world should not only greatly decrease CO2 emissions but recently that the world should even keep fossil fuels in the ground. They claim that the fossil fuels can be replaced by wind and solar (but not by hydro, a renewable they dislike). But this is all nonsense:

So nothing is gained in terms of reduced global warming by substitution of wind and solar for fossil fuels, at huge expense with adverse effects on the poor and the economy the world over. It is a non-solution to a non-problem.

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STEVE in Austin

The advantage of wind and solar are that they are point of use sources of electrical power. That mitigates (or supplements, if you prefer) the enormous inefficiency of using power lines and a central generation source.

Louis(lou) Powers

Be sure President Elect Trump understands. You might sent a note to Rex Tillerson Exxon’s Chairman get’s your information also. Exxon just came out and says CO]2 is bad.

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