Guest post by Just Beau
This post will:
- Salute free speech
- Place climate alarm in fair context, international socialism
- Explain alarm is not respectful of photosynthesis, nor honest science
- Reflect on disinformation
Because climate alarm is born of politics, it is apt to begin with a campaign update.
Campaign 2020: During TV coverage prior to February’s Superbowl, the President showed why he is an effective agent of change. Trump said: Senator Sanders is a communist. Jarred awake, by the leader of the Free World no less, my mind became more active.
Why did Bernie favor Iranian revolutionaries over US hostages, during 1979? Same reason Crazy Bernie, as Trump dubs him, admired Cuba’s Fidel Castro and the cruel mess that is Venezuela, authored by Chavez and Maduro. Sanders supports socialism/communism, even more overtly than former President Obama.
Trump’s statement about Sanders triggered thought. No Dem candidates saluted Trump for ridding the world of terror monster Solemani. In debates, candidates praised evolutionary change, in contrast to revolutionary, attributed to Crazy Bernie. Why did Comrade Obama and Comrade Kerry supply billions of dollars to Iran during 2015? Because like John Brennan, who voted for communist Gus Hall in 1984’s election, Dems embrace the “Death to America” theocracy of Iran.
Dems want “fundamental” socio-economic change via their absurd Green New Deal proposal, unanimously rejected by the Senate. This would jettison a tradition of decentralized power, built on checks and balances, private property rights, economic freedoms, and protections against oppression. Dems aim to replace the private sector, with impoverishing Big Government. It is surreal, like a low brow movie plot. Socialists aim to erode essential qualities of US culture and governance, insidiously, from the inside. They chide Bernie for impatient revolution, rather than seeking the same results via patience. Fast or slow, if the goals are the same, they Comrades all sound treasonous.
With clarity of hindsight, should we be surprised Brennan steered US intelligence agencies to spy on candidate Trump via illegally constructed FISA-court authorizations? No. Obama was a socialist, recognized in Dinesh D’Souza’s 2012 film, Obama’s America. A great recession and unpopular war vaulted a socialist into the White House, shrouded in affability and protected by lapdog reporters.
Obama embraced climate alarm. Former USEPA head Carol Browner, tsar for climate, belonged to Socialist International, a global network of “democratic socialism.” This was divulged by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, 11 years ago. It seems reasonable to assume every climate advocate is socialist. Climate science must be the contemporary pseudo-scientific equivalent of eugenics that justified genocide directed by Crazy Adolf. It would behoove sensible voters to examine climate alarmism carefully, to see if it passes a sniff test, as honest science.
The Dems let Comrade Bernie campaign among them during 2016 and 2020. After Trump forthrightly disclosed Bernie is a communist, the Dems rushed to consolidate behind Sleepy Joe. Biden is flawed in multiple respects, so may serve temporarily to hide Bernie’s lunatic agenda, including re-education camps for Trump supporters, according to his campaign workers, recorded by Project Veritas. Incarceration for brainwashing is evil, illustrated by Pol Pot’s Cambodia, communist China to this day, and Stalin’s USSR, among other instances.
Dem candidates march in lock-step support for climate alarm, toeing the party line. The hoax seems an ideological cornerstone, though its credibility expired long ago. Nor did any candidate laud Solemani’s demise, another display of uniformity. During 2016, Republican candidates heatedly debated tariffs, immigration, use of military force, and other topics. In 2020, Dems debate petty variations about shared views. No Dem disputed climate change though it does not exist. Whereas Republican candidates jousted, the Dems meekly folded behind Sleepy Joe. This contrast is troubling.
It is hard to imagine American citizens benefit from open borders, sanctuary cities, stipends for illegals. Dems hint illegals will replace Americans, as if this wins votes. Open borders help despicable drug and human trafficking. Religious faith is disparaged. Obama was guided by Valerie Jarrett, born in Iran. Hillary was assisted by Huma Abedin, raised in Saudi Arabia. The closeness of these advisors may have been marketing to Muslims. Dems whine when Trump attributes a virus from Wuhan to their communist brethren running China. Some applaud the decline in the US stock market, as if Americans should vote Dem for a bleak economic outlook.
Dems are impoverished for positive ideas for American citizens, leaving only fears. They allege Trump is a communist, pawn of Putin. Trump should be impeached on faux evidentiary grounds. Americans will be wiped out by a tidal wave of Wuhan flu, so need to cower in place, while the economy dies.
Fear and corrupt news are not what made America great.
UNEP: How could the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) convene meetings and reports, over decades, yet still get climate science utterly wrong?
This mystery is easy to understand. Climate alarm serves socialists. The UN contains circa 190 nations. Most do not hold fair elections. Many embrace socialist ideologies. Or, are headed by a ruler with little checked power. If a foreign nation has coal, petroleum, or gas deposits, these are often owned by the government, not by a private firm as in the United States. Climate alarm is a UN-supplied cover story to justify taxation or confiscation of hydrocarbon deposits. This cover story serves to normalize political control over valuable energy supplies in foreign nations. Subsurface private ownership rights do not even exist in many countries.
UNEP often favors nations opposed to the US as regards energy markets, because they are the majority of UN members. For instance, the US is not a member of the petroleum price-fixing alliance, OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries). Price fixing is illegal under US law! Trump is the first President to call climate alarm “BS.” Like Senator Inhofe from Oklahoma, Trump is correct, unpersuaded by UNEP fairy tales.
Rigged UNEP climate science has for decades been applauded by the New York Times and other leftists. It is easy to understand why UNEP claims climate is threatened by CO2. It comes down to money and political power. The UN opinion was chosen by foreign governments, on self-interested grounds, which do not include scientific validity.
Trump realizes the UN is unfair to the US. Early in 2017, he withdrew from the UNEP climate process beloved by Germany’s Comrade Merkel, France’s Macron, and Communist China. Germany and China have even increased CO2 emissions. Happily, these increased emissions are not an environmental problem, because carbon dioxide gas enables life on Earth. Temperature effects from gaseous CO2 are 0.000 degrees. Zilch.
To protect our skin against damaging rays from the Sun, we apply protective Sunscreen, not CO2 screen. We emit CO2 ourselves, with each exhale. CO2 is non-toxic, hardly justifying alarm about the entire planet.
Unleashed by Trump, the US has become the largest supplier of oil and natural gas, over-taking Saudi Arabia. Until 2018, federal law prevented US export of oil. Two years later, US exports have dented oil’s price. Trump dealt an effective blow to OPEC prices, unmentioned by southpaw media.
Honest science: there are many persuasive ways to reject the hypothesis of climate change, because the mythical condition is not happening, out in the real world. My rebuttal draws on three fundamentals of science:
- Solar-powering of plants (photosynthesis).
- The inseparability of oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Evolutionary change
At the center of our solar system, the Sun emits light and heat, strongly influencing temperature. The third planet, Earth, is 4.54 billion years old. Its earliest life forms were single-celled bacteria that harnessed sunlight, water (H2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, to enable photosynthesis. This reaction nourished the cell, while supplying oxygen (O2) to the atmosphere.
Early in Earth’s history, its atmosphere was oxygen poor (less than 1 percent). Billions of years of photosynthesis have endowed the atmosphere to 22 percent. Thru (Darwin’s) evolution of species, over immense time periods, the original cell evolved into a wondrous cornucopia of complex plants, moving onto land, putting down roots. To this very day, all greenery continues to depend on harnessing solar energy, CO2, and water, via photosynthesis.
Plants, in turn, provide foods for grazing animals and agriculture. In this way, all species on Earth are solar powered, directly or indirectly. The wondrous fecundity of our Biosphere owes to the reaction of sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.
We inhale oxygen with each breath, employ oxygen within our bodies, and exhale CO2. In the atmosphere, O2 and CO2 are inseparable throughthe intermediation of plants. CO2 is turned, by plants, into oxygen. Of these two gases, oxygen builds up in the atmosphere, while CO2 is swiftly used by plants, so its atmospheric levels are much lower.
What governs temperatures on Earth? Received sunlight and heat, plus Earth’s angle and distance to the Sun. Could oxygen cause “global warming”? No.
Does oxygen’s inseparable partner, CO2, warm the planet? CO2 created all plants and through them oxygen as well. To socialists, CO2 is further supposed to disrupt climate, so massively that we must upend our economic system at unspeakable expense. This is absurd and pernicious. The only reliably known function of atmospheric CO2 is to change into oxygen, via photosynthesis. CO2 and O2 cycle without end, from one molecule to the other.
CO2 does not change climate. Rather CO2 enables plants and oxygen, in short, Life on Earth. Yet socialists want you to believe CO2 – which makes flowers bloom — is also making oceans rise and islands disappear, though they cannot identify any sunk islands. Or they claim CO2 is melting the ice caps.
Photosynthesis has enabled the third planet to teem with life, unknown elsewhere in the universe, to our knowledge. Yet according to Socialist International, UNEP, Al Gore, Comrade Obama, and their friends, CO2 is also responsible for dangerous changes to Earth’s climate. According to such socialists, CO2 is dangerous to the very life it has empowered, for more than four billion years. This is hard to accept.
The next thing you know, socialists will claim men can bear children! Wait, some already do claim this. Consider climate alarm as absurd as men believing they can bear children. The same political party supports both absurdities. Do you see a pattern?
The climate hoax could be funny, if they were not seeking $90T dollars for their Green New Deal. Photosynthesis does not threaten Earth’s climate. It merely allows trees to grow and flowers to bloom, while US socialists fulminate nonsense.
Climate alarm depends partly on corrupt media endorsing the hoax to those who know no better. It also depends on a common psychological yearning among socialist rank and file to fit into a tribe or community of the like-minded.
Closing: Wikipedia’s entry for photosynthesis salutes more than 20 scientists, across four centuries, who have contributed to understanding this essential reaction that relies on carbon dioxide gas, water, and sunlight. Photosynthesis transformed Earth into a Biosphere. The concept of a Biosphere owes to Vladimir Verdansky (1863-1945), founder of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) is renowned for insight that changes during reproduction lead to emergence of new species via natural selection. My logic opposing climate alarm relies on photosynthesis, Verdansky, and Darwin.
The notion CO2, Earth’s precious elixir of life, threatens climate is convenient fiction. It is inculcated into society through left-wing propaganda, by tedious repetition. Toe the party line.
Sadly, this teaching is not unintended error. It is deliberate disinformation, akin to the Steele Dossier. In his memorable 1974 commencement talk at the California Institute of Technology, Nobel physicist Richard Feynman (1918-88) talked of honesty within the practice of science, about not uttering jargon to fool non-scientists. To mislead cannot be tolerated within many technical professions, so why is a UNEP-spawned myth allowed to persist within the US government? The American economy deserves to be defended against disinformation attacks against its energy producers. Trump did the right thing by cutting off UNEP.
Doctor Carlin has been disappointed Trump’s USEPA has not repealed the “CO2 is endangering” opinion, during his first year. This finding is a scientific abomination to make George Orwell roll over in his grave. CO2, which enables all greenery, was determined by Obama’s minions, to “endanger” the climate because claimed by the UN. This is disinformation spread by foreign nations, not honest science. It is hard to imagine a more absurd perversion of environmental science. Who should decide science questions for the United States? Foreign governments through the UN, say Democrats, we defer to them.
Perhaps Trump has not repealed the CO2 finding because patiently holding back, to let socialists erode credibility via the Russian hoax and faux Impeachment? Or perhaps climate alarm is such a fake campaign plank Republicans do not want Dems to ever let it go?
The President has termed Fake or Corrupt News the enemy of the people. In a democracy, disinformation ripples thru society, sowing confusion, impairing morale, mis-allocating resources, and misleading voters about what is important.
It is helpful President Trump alerts the public not to believe everything they hear. This would include scientifically unsound teaching, spouting the socialist party line about climate quackery. Teachers occupy an important role in society, to prepare young Americans to develop skills and prepare to assume responsibility. Political indoctrination based on disinformation should not be part of school curricula. This ill serves teachers and students. Those who believe the scientific process should be founded on the rigorous quest for honesty should not accept climate alarm any more than Crazy Hitler’s racist eugenics. When deliberate falsity is wrapped in a mantle of scientific legitimacy, no good ensues.
Constant skepticism and vigilance are prudent, for all of us, in all walks of life. Alarm over CO2, a hoax for decades, serves as a classic example to justify independent thinking. Caveat emptor.
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The caronavirus risk exaggeration has been been brought to us by the World Health Organization and their communist friends in the mainstream media. As a result, a great deal of the us economy has been put on hold, for a disease that strikes only the most vulnerable.
The WHO is a subsidiary of the UNited Nations. There are respiratory infections this time of year, so there is a bit of factual foundation unlike with the UN”s climate wheeze.
Climate alarm is more accurately termed photosynthesis denial.
Thanks so very much UN globalists