Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

The Science Is Quite Clear: Reducing CO2 Emissions Only Raises Energy Prices

Climate science is not well developed but is quite clear on some matters despite the continued attempts by climate alarmists to obfuscate it. There is currently nothing to worry about climate except the slow descent into the next ice age after some time geologically speaking. Humans have multiplied and developed rapidly during the current warm interglacial period between ice ages called the Holocene. But the available evidence strongly suggests that the Holocene will come to an end before too long geologically speaking. The current hysteria promoted by climate alarmists concerning global warming is simply that–hysteria. If people want to worry about climate change, they should worry about future global cooling. Cold is the great danger that humans will eventually face, not a little warmth.

In areas where there is ample surface water, such as oceans, coastal areas, or numerous lakes, nature carefully controls temperatures through a variety of natural mechanisms (called emergent phenomena). That is why tropical oceanic areas and areas with many lakes are never too hot for humans. Humans may be uncomfortable and wish they had some air conditioning, but humans can and do live just fine under such conditions. But when temperatures are too low, humans die like flies if not carefully protected. There are no such protections against cold when the next ice age starts. We have only recently emerged from a Little Ice Age, and the longer term trend since the Holocene high is down, not up.

No Scientific Basis for Reducing CO2 Emissions

The climate alarmists want you to believe that increases in a minor but vital trace gas, carbon dioxide, will result in increases in global temperatures. There is no valid scientific basis for this claim. In fact, science shows that at least in recent years for which there is data, increases in atmospheric CO2 have had no significant effect on temperatures.

So what does determine global temperatures? Natural effects like low cloud cover, variations in cosmic rays, variations in solar output, and long natural oscillations of atmospheric and oceanic phenomena (like El Ninos and La Ninas, called ENSO for El Nino Southern Oscillation for short). And there is no way for government to do much about global warming except through geoengineering, which is always opposed by climate alarmists as too dangerous or whatever. The climate alarmists are basically arguing for increased power for governments, but climate change is a bad example to use since governments can do very little about global warming except by means that the alarmists strongly oppose.

Covering the Earth with wind and solar farms creates environmentally horrible eyesores and major damages to wildlife but has no significant effect on temperatures since CO2 has no significant such effects. All that the decarbonization they favor does is raise energy prices and line the pockets of those that build wind and solar farms.

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[…] La science est claire: la réduction des émissions de CO 2 ne fait qu’augmenter les prix de l… […]

Kirt Griffin

Great article Dr. Carlin. It is nothing short of incredible how some so-called scientists push this nonsense.I know it pays handsomely, but it is so against humanity and unconscionable. I know that the UN detailed how this would be handled in their 1992 Rio Earth Conference and defined in Agenda 21, Wildlands Project and Diversity Convention among others. This is the 5th time since 1895 that politicians have tried to claim uncontrolled climate change. The other 4 died within 10 years or less when the predictions failed to come true. I guess the population has been dumbed down. Actually, I know that is true. From paleo records, the planet has only experienced this low a CO2 level and temperature one other time in the last 500 million years.

Chris Ida

Dr. Carlin as an aside to this article could you comment on the movement and its position? Is there substantial evidence that PPM of Co2 is rising and if so what are the impact of that? What is the “upper limit” that we should be concerned with,if any?

Comment by Alan Carlin: Yes, the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide has been rising. This is not anything to fear, but rather something to be happy about. Carbon dioxide is food for plants. The higher the level is, the better plants will grow. Claiming that it is a pollutant anywhere near current levels is not supported by the science. Humans can stand 5,000 ppm in submarines. Greenhouse owners add carbon dioxide to the air of their greenhouses so that their plants grow better. As reported in my blog in numerous places (including today’s post), research shows that carbon dioxide has had no significant effect on temperatures.

Just beau

Across the board, On issue after issue, Republicans have positive ideas that help more Americans, while the socialists offer inferior or anti American policies.

Climate alarmism is a notorious illustrative example. The Science is clearly a hoax. The costs for the United states and western Europe are enormous. The benefits to the USA are clearly nonexistent. The Green Nee Deal is even openly and shamelessly admitted to be about remaking the US economy into a socialist hell.

Why do they champion climate alarmism despite it’s patent lunacy? they csnnit help themselves. The socialists want what is good for them and not what is good for the nation. They probably pocket lots of money from foreign interests to ruin the us economy via energy regulations. It’s all about money for them and their voters, no matter what.

The same rationale infuses other issues. Open the borders and give free health care and education to illegal immigrants. Why would patriotic Americans vote for such a preposterous deal? The socialists don’t care because getting money from drug cartels that want an open border. Immigration policy gone madly selfishly Socialist.

Just beau

Not only does climate alarmism raise electricity prices, solar and wind are also inferior, intermittent and intrinsically lower reliability electric service. It’s cost more for an inferior product.

Distorting competitive energy markets in order to promote inferior electricity for a higher price attracts charlatans, dreamers, academics, teacher unionists, and scoundrels, in short, the Loony Left.

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