Robert Murray, CEO of Murray Energy, stated at a conference sponsored by the Texas Public Policy Foundations on November 30 in Washington that he had talked to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt last week. Pruitt, he said, told him that the red team/blue team review that Pruitt has been proposing to debate climate science for several months would be announced after the New Year and that reconsideration of the greenhouse gas Endangerment Finding (EF) may follow at an undetermined time after the conclusion of red/blue.
More detail can be found here.
Doc Carlin and I disagree every now and again. He refers to the Climate Industrial Complex, whereas I would refer to the Climate Industrial Simplex. We both channel president Eisenhower.
One way to recognize the nonsense of climate alarmism is to bear in mind other instances of bad science used to justify environmental causes. Global warming is by no means the first instance. There are recognizable patterns of salient omissions and unlikely assumptions.
Left wing media are vital for fomenting fear and public pressure to justify anti industry actions. The lefty press is important, whether called the CIC or CIS. The science rigor of left wing politicians and Eco journalists is not lofty. They are understandably ficused on their political narrative, not scientific integrity. How shocking!!
President Trump has done a nice job framing media dishonesty, branding it Fake News. Unfortunately it is pervasive and brazen. It seems worse than decades ago, because today opinion is given greater weight versus humble reportage of events. Celebrity journalists need to blab.
A free press will be lively and prone to hyperbole and errors. The term yellow journalism was adopted in the 1890s to refer to sensationalist emotive reporting. Yellow literally added exciting color to mostly black and white papers.
In a world of Fake news spewing forth disinformation lapped up by bicoastal socialists, it will be responsible for Mr. Pruitt to convene a Blue Red discussion. our system of justice depends on debate between two sides, prosecution and defense. Debate advances the pursuit of truth. As an attorney, Mr. Pruitt understands this civic fundamental. Bravo Zulu.
Thinking of some reasons to justify Docs inclusion in the Red team.
Pruitt will want to establish pro environment programs based on plausible science. Doc Carlin began service to the Sierra Club and then served USEPA and the environment for 40 years. He is pro environment, merely rejects science frauds that damage the US economy. He seems an ideal fit with Pruitts agenda.
Pruitt does not care about the plaudits of the left wing including USEPAs unionized work force. For his part, carlin has demonstrated he can think for himself within a hostile work environment, guided only by facts and reason. That’s impressive.
He illustrates that a USEPA employee can actually do the right thing, despite the union and incentives to suck up to the politically powerful within the Swamp. Carlin actually spoke truth to power, unlike fraudster extraordinaire Al Gore.
Carlin also seems well rounded and to understand the bigger picture of statutes, not just the content and methods of scientific disciplines, impressive though this is. His overall holistic moxie could help the Red team prevail in its mismatch advantage over the blue team.
Carlin can personify Pruitts back to basics agenda. Carlin was slimed by the fake news New York Times in 2009. This is a badge of honor.
Go Big Red!
Go Doctor Carlin!
It sounds like Administrator Pruitt is moving forward with resolve. Laudable.
You Doctor Carlin are an expert who has devoted years to the topic. You stood up to express dissent when few else within Federal service were so moved. It would be just if you were to be included within the Red Team, so I hope the Administrator recognizes your soberminded implacable integrity and includes you.
The earths climate is a very large topic and there are many areas of uncertainty and powerful avenues of attack upon UNEPs simplistic assumptions and crude guesstimates.