Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

A Modest and Equitable Solution to the “Climate”/Energy “Problem”

I would not object if the so-called “environmentalists” swept away all the trappings of modern civilization in their own lives that involve use of fossil fuels, including cars, airplanes, washing machines, trucks and the rest and went to live as their ancestors did. In fact, all that they would need to do would be to join Amish or other similar communities that hold somewhat similar beliefs and live out their lives following the rules of these groups. Or they could start new groups and make up their own rules. Windmills and solar panels would be allowed but fossil fuel-based electricity and hydropower would not (even though hydropower predated much of modern civilization). Etc.

But that is not what they are proposing to do. They want governments to compel everyone to observe such arbitrary rules and pay for their enormous costs too. This is where I draw the line. They want government to use other people’s money to force them to live like the “environmentalists” think people should live. On the contrary, I believe there should be freedom of energy use and selection as long as there are no significant adverse effects on others.

As has frequently been pointed out, many people who call themselves “environmentalists” do not really want to live the way they want everyone else to live. They like the business jets and the big SUVs as much as anyone else. So my proposal may be a bit of a hard sell since Gandhis they are not.

The “environmentalists” have gotten governments to pay for developing elaborate “scientific” justifications for their ideologies, and continue to do so. This has cost many tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars of other people’s money for justification development alone. And government subsidies for wind and solar have cost many tens of billions more each year.

Climate skeptics have long argued that these expensive justifications are not scientific at all, and we now know that this is indeed the case. In fact, moderate increases in atmospheric CO2 levels are good, not bad. Life on Earth needs higher atmospheric CO2 levels and would benefit from slightly higher temperatures too, not lower. There is no economic or scientific case for government intervention in the energy markets other than to control conventional pollutants, which in the US is already the case. And there is certainly no basis for sending tens of billions of dollars yearly to less developed countries to bribe them to use wind and solar on the basis of current science or even non-treaty “treaties.”

My Modest Solution

So this is my solution: Let the economic marketplace decide how energy should be used (since it has been shown over many years that it yields the lowest prices and most efficiency) and how it is generated. Those who want to use only particular types of energy, should be allowed to do so; those who do not, do not have to. Users who want to use only wind and solar generated energy will be allowed to buy only such energy from their local utilities (or even allowed to self-generate it themselves on their own property if allowed by local ordinances and if they pay the full cost of such special, high cost, and low reliability energy. This would be much like those who want to eat only “organic” food can buy such food, but no one else is forced to do so. This solution should end the so-called climate/energy use “problem.”

No one would be forced by government to use energy generated by any particular means or even to use any at all. Believers can band together to create communities of such people if they want, but they cannot get government to make anyone else follow their arbitrary energy use and selection ideologies. The same applies internationally. No treaties or even “non-treaty” treaties will be entered into that force any other nation to follow such ideologies or force some nations to pay others to do so.

Perhaps the new “right” suggested here could be called “freedom to select energy use and sources” or FSEUS, although perhaps others can suggest a better acronym. Those who want unreliable, weather-dependent energy can select this despite its much higher price and inconveniences. Those who want reliable, low cost fossil fuel-generated energy can also do so without interference by ideological fanatics who like inferior wind and solar-generated energy.

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Just beau

Doctor Carlin, there is a wonderfully absurd article recently published the Failing New York Times.
It justifies fighting climate change based on the precautionary victory over Y2k !

This deserves a gold medal for foolishness. The Fake Media are trying to destroy the remaining brain cells of their devoted readers.
On the precautionary principle, no one should read the Times. It is dangerous to brain cells.

Just beau

Pruitt’s red versus blue debate over climate change can be the greatest science face off since the Scopes monkey trial. Real USA science will face off against Fake science backed by Carlos Slim and the rest of Fake News Industrial Complex.

It would be very cool if President Trump could again serve as master of ceremonies and at the end of the debate shaved hair off the heads of the Fakers. I would pay to watch that show!

Just beau

Doc Gorka ripped the Fake News Indusrial Complex.
Maybe Gorka was inspired by Doc Carlin, an expert at diagnosing very fake science!

Just beau

Smart trip to Paris by the president to pal around with macron.

While leftist media deplore Trump exiting the Paris climate agreement, Trump shows he like Paris itself. He supports the French against terrorism. 59 percent of French people like that he was invited.

It is important to stand up to terror and to defend your country.

How truly brave is it to fight climate change? Fighting a nonexistent foe does not make a lot of sense.

Climate change is not a cause that helps democrats win elections on a national basis. This is an inconvenient truth.


Perfect solution!
Lets implement that right now!

“Solar cells are suited to hot climates, ”
Well, no. High temperatures reduces their efficiency.
You should say: “Solar cells are suited to cloudless days with low temperatures”

Just beau

Still turning pages, passing page 439. The Linear No Threshold Model is absurdly unscientific. Prima Gracie, it violates a fundament of pharmacology. Need a red versus blue team debate about LNT.

Just beau

Prima facie. Apparently the spell check does not recognize Latin or is a fan of the spouse of George Burns.

The modeling of health effects at ultra low doses may be less defensible than the models that assume biospherically essential CO2 gas controls the earths climate.

Just beau

Energy freedom of choice. Let’s amend the constitution to add the great new right for Americans.

Solar cells are suited to hot climates, a reason why President Trumo likes the idea of adding them to the Wall.

Solar cells could be designed into tiles for roofs. Buildings need roofs.

Geothermal has a lot of potential usefulness. President W Bush tapped geothermal energy for a Texas home.

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