Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

Left-wing Street Tactics Appear to Have Been Deployed Against Climate Skeptics Too, Not Just Trump

The non-MSM media are filled currently with video-supported accounts of staged demonstrations using what Breitbart calls “trained provocateurs” against Trump rallies using paid demonstrators. A prominent skeptic climate blogger even has a summary. It is reported, again with video support, that the organizations responsible for this have been paid indirectly by the Clinton campaign and had daily contact with the campaign. One of the two leaders of these organizations has had frequent access to the White House and is reported to be an acolyte of Saul Alinsky, a deceased Marxist and an early mentor to Hillary Clinton, and has also trained many of those surrounding Obama.

This news story reminded me that at least one gathering of climate skeptics experienced similar although less intense demonstrations at a Heartland climate conference in Chicago in May, 2012 that I attended. No one has claimed responsibility, but I do wonder if it might be the same or similar groups, presumably financed by left-wing groups. Evidence is not available, but I do point out that the demonstrations were held at a Chicago Heartland conference as opposed to those elsewhere, and Chicago seems to be one of the geographical focal points of this activity and a former home of Saul Alinsky.

When some climate skeptics attending the Heartland Conference interviewed some of the demonstrators they found that they knew very little if anything about climate change, which led the skeptics to conclude that they too were paid since they had no other obvious motivation. The left wing of the Democratic Party is strongly in favor of government regulation of CO2 emissions because of their alleged (but disproven) effects on global warming.

I am almost never a supporter of conspiracy theories, but I do wonder whether all these dots should be connected up?

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