Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

How Britain and Germany Have Led the Way to Energy Bankruptcy

There are many shortcomings in the climate warmist narrative, as explained in much more detail in my book, Environmentalism Gone Mad. It is actually hard to paper over all of the problems, but the warmists of the Western World have been quite imaginative in this regard. I find the climate science promoted by the warmists (the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming hypothesis) to be highly improbable and unproven. But another of the many weak spots in the narrative is the alleged “solution”–building vast farms of windmills and solar panels. This has actually been tried and we know what has happened in case there should be any doubts.

Several Western European countries have pioneered in building these farms, including Germany and Great Britain. Their energy economies show the expected results, including rapidly increasing electricity prices that far exceed US rates, over capacity of wind and solar during the summer, very marginal capacity to meet demand during winters, conventional electric utilities facing bankruptcy, shutdowns and movement of energy intensive industries to lower energy cost countries, loss of jobs in these industries and their suppliers, demands for government favortism in reducing green requirements to prevent these moves, households cut off from the grid and energy to heat their homes because they cannot afford the skyrocketing costs for the energy they need, and huge subsidies for wind and solar paid by taxpayers and ratepayers.

And what do these countries have to show for all these sacrifices? The thought that they have done their part to use an unproven hypothesis that catastrophic warming can be avoided by reducing human-caused carbon emissions even though the major countries with expanding carbon dioxide emissions, China and India, continue to rapidly expand their emissions. If, as appears to be the case, the hypothesis is wrong, these countries will have exactly nothing in return for all their sacrifices. Unfortunately, despite this dismal experience, this is exactly what EPA and President Obama are trying to bring about here in the US. The outcome will be the same, only at a much higher cost given the larger size of the US.

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