In the last few days, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been criticizing President Obama for being “worried about global warming” while terrorists “want to blow up our country.” In one such appearance he went on to say, referring to President Obama: “He’s over there talking about global warming. Global warming’s our biggest problem. They want to blow up our country. They want to blow up our cities. They want to knock down our buildings, and he’s worried about global warming. So, you know, we have somebody that’s not in touch.”
Trump did not fully explain why he believes global warming is a lower priority, but possible such reasons are not hard to find: No warming for almost two decades, strong evidence that the alarmist climate models are inherently inaccurate and much too sensitive to changes in CO2, and lack of evidence that governments can do anything effective to reduce climate change. Many more reasons can be found in my book, Environmentalism Gone Mad.
So I have to agree with Trump. The misjudgments of the Obama Administration with regard to the priority of global warming/climate change/extreme weather are glaring. Their policy of limited containment of ISIS has not solved the Islamic terrorism problem, and may not have even contained ISIS, as Obama claims.
Dim Chances that COP 21 Will Result in an Effective New Global Climate Agreement
Despite the dim chances that COP 21 will reach agreement on an effective, enforceable new global agreement to reduce CO2 emissions, the Obama Administration is continuing to prioritize reducing climate change higher than reducing international Islamic terrorism. The Administration wants us to believe that the answer to domestic Islamic terrorism is increased gun control despite its ineffectiveness in preventing terrorism where it has been used (such as in France).
Now that what appears to be Islamic terrorism in San Bernardino has occurred in the US shortly after the horrific events in Paris just a few weeks ago, the US public appears to be becoming increasingly concerned about ISIS in the Middle East and Islamic terrorism at home. Obama and Hillary Clinton’s obsession with climate currently seems unlikely to help the Democratic Party in the 2016 election despite the ardent support of climate alarmists and many environmental organizations.
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Thanks for putting it down so clearly, Dr. Carlin.
Fighting the discontinued global warming is more harmful to the USA than just “containing” ISIS.
And what about the refugees, created not by any demonstrable “climate change” but by religious persecutions.