Both President Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry have displayed an amazing lack of judgment by repeatedly saying or at least strongly implying that a non-problem that government can do little or nothing about in the way proposed (“climate change”) is more important than the most urgent national security threats the US and the Western world face (ISIS and Russian aggression in Eastern Europe). They urge that tens of trillions of dollars if not more be spent to remake the world’s energy generation and distribution system on the highly dubious hypothesis that this will reduce global warming, climate change, or extreme weather, or whatever term they think will currently sell the best, and shy away from any serious responses to these two major national security threats. Although Hillary Clinton has been a little more circumspect in her statements on this topic, she appears to agree since she was long the chief architect of Obama’s foreign policy and advocates spending even more on climate.
How wrong they have been has once again been shown by the Paris terrorist attacks in the very city where their “all important” UN climate COP21 is to be held in two weeks. One has to ask whether it is even wise to hold such a major gathering in a city where security is so doubtful? The most fundamental responsibility of government is to protect the security of its citizens, not gamble limited government resources on dubious if not disproven scientific hypotheses. Governments that repeatedly fail to provide security have no business squandering precious resources on minor if not imaginary problems like climate.
Found you thru Steve Goddard. Added to my read list on climate. Thanks for being there!
Thanks, Dr. Carlin.
I have the impression that being unable to protect their citizens from real threats, like Islamic terrorism, governments turn to protecting them from an imaginary threat (man-made global warming), that they know will not cause any damage. By doing this, they hope to increase their power over the citizens.
Meanwhile, we the people, carbon-based creatures all, see our money misused to amplify the spurious alarm.