Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

New Book Available April 28

Stairway Press expects to publish my new book entitled Environmentalism Gone Mad: How a Sierra Club Activist and Senior EPA Analyst Discovered a Radical Green Energy Fantasy on April 28. A description of the book and its contents is available on a Website devoted to the book as well as links for ordering it in various formats. The book is intended for a general audience and contains over 635 pages.

Cover of my book
Cover of book (click to enlarge)

After explaining my lifelong efforts to promote environmental protection, the book recounts my personal journey of discovery into the climate issue, and explains why I believe that the environmental movement is pursuing a green energy fantasy, why a major course correction is needed to bring it back to reality, and how that might be achieved. The book also has extensive discussions of the economics, science, and politics involved as well as the role played by some of the major groups pushing reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide.

If the book is ordered from Stairway Press (but not from other sources), readers will also receive a computer disk containing four appendices totaling 325 pages of more technical and historical interest. The book and the appendices contain extensive references for those interested in the extensive literature used in their preparation.

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