Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

Interview Supplementing My Award Acceptance Remarks at ICCC-9

As a result of my award acceptance remarks for the 2014 Climate Change Whistleblower Award I received at the July, 2014 International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-9) sponsored by the Heartland Institute and other co-sponsors, I was recently interviewed by James Taylor of the Heartland Institute. The resulting interchange provides additional background concerning my remarks and was as follows:

Taylor: What were your main arguments against EPA’s Endangerment Finding, as presented in your comments?

Carlin: I made three main points in my comments to EPA on the draft Technical Support Document (TSD), the technical basis for EPA’s Endangerment Finding. These were: the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) hypothesis is invalid from a scientific viewpoint because it fails a number of critical comparisons with available observable data, the draft TSD was seriously dated and the updates made to an abortive 2007 version of the draft TSD used to prepare it were inadequate, and EPA should conduct an independent analysis of the science of global warming rather than adopting the conclusions of outside groups such as the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and U.S. Government reports based on IPCC’s reports. My full comments can be found at

Taylor: You say EPA used bad science in its Endangerment finding. Do you believe EPA simply but honestly drew the wrong conclusions, or do you believe EPA had ulterior motives?

Carlin: In my view, the arrival of the Obama administration in 2009 resulted in political decisions in the White House on climate science being imposed on EPA rather than EPA relying on its own independent analysis as in most previous decisions. The new EPA political appointees involved in climate policy were apparently screened on the basis of their views on climate policy. EPA career employees generally believed any attempt to oppose CAGW would very likely result in unfavorable personnel or organizational changes by the new EPA administration. Most career employees were primarily interested in protecting their jobs and bureaucratic roles by accepting or at least not opposing the politically determined science imposed by the White House.

Taylor: Based on your experience in EPA, what percent of EPA staffers are open-minded and committed to honest science, and what percent are driven by ideology or environmental extremism?

Carlin: All the new Obama political appointees supported the EPA’s proposed Endangerment Finding and the TSD supporting the science on which it was based. A few of the more recent career hires clearly believed the radical environmentalist ideology and strongly supported the CAGW-based finding, and the rest either had no opinion or kept quiet about any concerns they might have had.

Taylor: You used to be very active with the Sierra Club. What motivated you to do this, and why did you subsequently stop being active with the group?

Carlin: In the 1960s and early 1970s, when I was active in the Sierra Club as an environmental activist and elected Chapter Chairman, the Club supported improving the environment and appeared to be open to using both good science and economics in support of its objectives. With a colleague, I contributed to the Club’s campaign to prevent the construction of two dams in the Grand Canyon by preparing economic analyses, for example. I dropped out of any active involvement when I accepted a senior position at EPA after it was formed in 1970. EPA at that time discouraged active involvement in organizations taking an activist role concerning what it regulates.

Taylor: You mentioned in your ICCC-9 speech that an environmental activist group—the Natural Resources Defense Council—wrote the blueprint for EPA’s recently proposed power plant carbon dioxide restrictions. Why should it bother people that EPA works so closely with environmental activist groups?

Carlin: I believe EPA’s job is to reduce harmful pollution where this reflects good science, economics, and law, and to negotiate the best possible compromises between the interest groups involved to achieve this. Responding only to the regulated community or only to the environmental activists does not result in such compromises. Following a script written by an environmental organization, as EPA is apparently now doing with respect to power plants, is thus not a useful approach since it prevents EPA from making a useful contribution of its own since it is just responding to what one side wants.

Taylor: Your ICCC-9 presentation mentioned a book you have written on all this. What is the title, and when will it be available?

Carlin: The book is called Environmentalism Gone Mad: How a Former Sierra Club Activist and Senior EPA Analyst Discovered a Radical Green Energy Fantasy. [Note added April, 2015: The book is now available for purchase through the Website for the book.] Besides a much more detailed discussion of all the issues raised by your questions, the book explores the ideological inconsistencies, practical problems, and likely outcomes resulting from the rise of radical energy environmentalism from scientific, economic, governmental, journalistic, and legal viewpoints. These problems have arisen because the environmental movement has been hijacked by left-wing radicals who are advocating policies that impair the Western world’s economic future for no or even negative environmental gains and promoting legally questionable government actions whose purpose government cannot achieve in the way proposed. The book explores why their campaign may lead to regulatory strangulation of the economy through control of energy generation and use, and threatens the rule of law. It is the threat to the rule of law that is the real danger, not the alleged adverse effects of increasing CO2 levels. The book is expected to be published later this year. Information on it will be available on [this] website … as publication approaches.

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Dodgy Geezer

…. It is the threat to the rule of law that is the real danger, not the alleged adverse effects of increasing CO2 levels….

It’s worse than that.

Climate activism now threatens Science. We have lost the ability to determine truth. That really hits Humanity where it hurts…

Pooh, Dixie

Wishing you success with your book!

Pooh, Dixie

To restore economic growth, the Clean Air Act should be amended. That would defang the EPA.

How? CO2 should be excluded from the scope of “Green House Gasses” (GHG) in the Clean Air Act. Technically, CO2 is a GHG. Practically, it is beneficial. Politically, it is the means for the EPA to command the economy. Political command of the economy is ruinous.

Why? Fossil Fuels provide over 80% of our energy supply [1]. Its availability and cost affect where and if one works, what one may buy and where (or if [2]) one lives. It is the ideal lever for the “Progressive” vision for our society. Politically, it is an ideal mechanism to play favorites.

There have been a number of schemes for government to run our lives. Among them are Turnover Tax, Cap And Trade, Carbon Tax, Carbon Credit Card, and Tax And Dividend [3].

Remove the political basis for a command economy run by the EPA.

EIA. “Total Energy – Annual Energy Review (EIA).” Governmental. U.S. Energy Information Administration, September 27, 2012.

[2] Hope, Jenny. “Fuel Poverty Britain: 24,000 Will Die from Cold This Winter and 3m Worry about Heating Their Home.” Mail Online, January 19, 2014.

Samenow, Jason. “Cold Kills More than Heat, CDC Says; Other Researchers Caution Not Necessarily.” Washington Post, August 4, 2014.

Vulliamy, Ed. “Cold Homes Will Kill up to 200 Older People a Day, Warns Age UK.” The Guardian, October 22, 2011, sec. Society.

[3]Pooh. “The Politics of ‘AGW.’” Discussion. Global Warming and Weather Discussion, October 28, 2008.


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