Anyone interested in viewing a succinct statement of the skeptic case with regard to global warming/climate change can find three short videos outlining the case here. This was presented to a film crew from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation making a documentary on climate skepticism but completely edited out in making the final version aired on ABC television recently.
Excellent Videos Summarizing the Skeptic Case Available from Down Under
Alan Carlin
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Carlin Economics and Science » Excellent Videos Summarizing the Skeptic Case Available from Down Under
I would like to extend to you personal invitation to check my feature length documentary on the “cold facts” of Global Warming entitled “The Boy Who Cried Warming,” available in full at The virtual premier has been enjoyed by over 12,000 viewers due to a grassroots campaign effort of handing out flyers and emailing people just like you! We are independent filmmakers without corporate sponsorship, every view counts to us, and we would truly appreciate if you would take a look and (if you enjoy the film) encourage others to check it out. The list of websites mentioning our film growing, and we would be honored if you would join the growing list distinguished sites below:
“The Boy Who Cried Warming” has enjoyed recommendations from:
Watts Up With That?
Digging in the Clay
Bishop Hill
Junk Science
Climate Depot
No Trick Zone
Before it’s News
Climate Change Dispatch
Climate Ponderings
Jammie Wearing Fools
Oh What Now
Tom Nelson
And the list keeps on growing… PLEASE feel free to Google the name to check out the comments, and as always, enjoy the show!
Jesse Jones
Producer/Writer “The Boy Who Cried Warming”
Here’s the irrefutable bottom line: we live in a closed system called the biosphere. That system is at the most abstract level a heat pump. It employs solar energy to restore atmospheric balances against physico-chemical gradients (photosynthesis) and anomalous heat, water vapor and particulate distributions (weather). That heat pump is a physical system which necessarily has a physical capacity. There is ample evidence that the growth of human effluvia with increasing population and technology is challenging the “air conditioning”. The question is not “If?” but “When?”. There are already regions wherein human emissions challenge the local capacity of that heat pump. Houston, that hotbed of climate change denial is one such. Lacking the geographic elements that cause places like the LA Basin and Mexico City to accumulate air pollution, the three-county region surrounding Houston is the U.S. air quality non-attainment capital. The answer to “When?” seems to be “If not already, then soon.” It’s time you got real.
Comment by Alan Carlin: It is not a closed system. The sun’s radiation and magnetic fields vary and influence Earth’s climate–apparently much more than with human emissions since global temperatures are strongly correlated with solar cycles and very poorly correlated with human emissions or ambient levels of human emissions.