Carlin Economics and Science

With emphasis on climate change

Heartland’s 6th International Conference on Climate Change June 30-July 1 in DC

On June 30 and July 1, the Heartland Institute will present an International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-6) in Washington, DC, entitled “Restoring the Scientific Method.” The theme acknowledges the fact that claims of scientific certainty and predictions of climate catastrophes are based on unvalidated atmospheric models and post-normal science, which tries to substitute claims of consensus for the scientific method. This choice has had very adverse consequences for science and society. Abandoning the scientific method led to the Climategate scandal and the errors and abuses of peer review by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The Conference will be kicked off by Senator James Inhofe with a breakfast keynote address on June 30. There will be a debate between an Anthropogenic Global Warming supporter and a skeptic at noon on June 30. There will also be presentations by about two dozen other scientists and economists, including me, on the latest research on the causes, consequences, and policy implications of climate change. The full agenda can be found here. The Conference is open to the public or can be viewed live on the Web here.

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